O! hyfryd foreu, hyfryd awr - Tywyniad tragwyddoldeb mawr, Pan yr agoro'r beddau pridd, I roddi seintiau Duw yn rhydd. Wel, dyna'r awr, a thyna'r pryd, Ceir gwel'd 'tifed'dion nef ynghyd, Yn dechreu taith o'u carchar caeth, Tua'r wlad sy'n llifo o fêl a llaeth. Y fàn bydd terfyn ar bob gwae, A dechreu'n hir i lawenhau; Yn nheml Dduw eu cartref fydd, Yn Ei was'naethu nôs a dydd. Yr Oen sydd ar yr orsedd fawr Bugeilia hwynt bob munyd awr; Fe'u harwain at ffynhonau clir O ddyfroedd bywiol, dwyfol, pur. Fe sycha'i Hun bob deigryn mân Oddi wrth eu llygaid hwynt yn lân, Marwolaeth, tristwch, ing, a phoen, Fyth fythol ffŷ o gwmni'r Oen.William Williams 1717-91
Tonau [MH 8888]: gwelir: Mae'r dyrfa fawr a aeth o'r blaen |
O delightful morning, delightful hour - The radiance of a great eternity, When the graves of soil open, To set the saints of God free. See, there is the hour, and there is the time, When to be seen are the heirs of heaven together, Beginning a journey from their captive prison, Towards the land which is flowing with honey and milk. The place will be the end of every woe, And the beginning long to rejoice; In the temple of God their home shall be, In His service night and day. The Lamb who is on the great throne Shall shepherd them every minute; He will lead them to clear springs Of living, pure, divine waters. He will dry Himself every little tear From their eyes completely, Death, sadness, anguish, and pain, Forever and ever shall flee from the company of the Lamb.tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion |