O iachawdwriaeth/iechydwriaeth fawr

(Gorfoledd yr Iachawdwriaeth)
1,2,3,4,5;  1,3,5.
  O iachawdwriaeth fawr!
  A lifodd i ni lawr,
Yn ffrydiau pur grisialaidd byw;
  Maddeuant i ni gaed,
  A heddwch yn y gwaed,
O gariad rhad
    ein Tad a'n Duw.

  Y ffynnon loew hyn,
  A darddodd ar y bryn,
Yn ffrydiau o anfeidrol hedd;
  Rhyw fôr o gariad yw,
  Dy heddwch Di, fy Nuw,
A nef y nef yw
     gwel'd dy wedd.

  'Does unrhyw drysor drud,
  Fel Ef o fewn y byd,
Mae'n gwneyd fy ysbryd llesg yn llon,
  Mwy'n llawen byddaf byw,
  Yn noddfa bur fy Nuw,
Dan holl gystuddiau'r ddaear hon.

  Mewn dyrys anial le,
  Heb gyfaill îs y ne',
Y gallaf ond cael cwmni'm Duw,
  Ddifyru'm hoes mewn hedd,
  Nes myn'd i byrth y bedd,
Yn hyfryd wedd
    dy wyneb gwiw.

  Mi dreuliaf oriau f'oes,
  Yn dawel dan dy groes,
Dim ond cael edrych ar dy wedd,
  Perffeithrwydd pleser yw,
  Y wledd o gariad Duw,
Fy holl ddyddanwch a fy hedd.
iachawdwriaeth :: iechydwriaeth
i ni gaed :: im a gaed
'Does unrhyw drysor :: Nid oes un trysor
dan dy groes :: dan y groes
Dim ond cael :: Ond im gael
ddyddanwch a fy hedd :: ddiddanwch i a'm hedd

Nathaniel Williams 1742-1826
Ychydig o Hymnau 1787

- - - - -
(Rhinweddau'r Iachawdwriaeth)
  O Iachawdwriaeth fawr!
  A lifodd i ni lawr,
Yn ffrydiau pur grisialaidd byw;
  Maddeuant i ni gaed,
  A heddwch yn y gwaed,
O gariad rhad
    ein Tad a'n Duw.

  Am iachawdwriaeth lawn,
  Foreuddydd a phrydnawn,
Moliannu gawn yr Iesu gwiw;
  Dyoddefodd angeu loes,
  Yn ddiddig ar y groes,
A'i ddoniau roes i ddynolryw.

  Gorphenwyd talu'n llawn,
  Ar groesbren un prydnawn,
O ddedwydd Iawn! ni gawn yn llu,
  Faddeuant yn ei waed,
  A hollol wir iachad,
A Duw yn Dad, mewn cariad cu.

  Rhyw dorf o ddysglaer lu,
  O flaen y fainc y sy,
Yn moli'n gu, a'i mawl ar g'oedd;
  Angelion pur eu cân,
  A seintiau fawr a mân,
Yn Salem lân, byth wrth eu bodd.
Dafydd Jones 1711-77

Tonau [668D]:
Abberton (A H Brown 1830-1926)
Amsterdam (Darmstädter Gesangbuch 1698)
Ascalon (alaw o Silesia)
Brunswick (Les Pseaumes de David 1562)
Eilian (H E Button 1961-1925)
Hanwell (<1875)
Machynlleth (Joseph Parry 1841-1903)
St Ambros (<1876)
St Donatt (<1875)

  Agorwyd ar y bryn
  Am iechydwriaeth lawn
  Mi dreuliaf oriau f'oes

(The Rejoicing of the Salvation)
  O great salvation
  Which flooded down
In pure, crystal, living streams;
  Salvation for us was got,
  And peace in his blood,
From the free love of our God
    and our Father.

  This shining fount,
  Which issued on the hill,
In streams of immeasurable peace;
  Some sea of love is,
  Thy peace, my God,
And the heaven of heaven
    is to see thy face.

  There is no costly treasure,
  Like Him within the world,
He is making my fainting spirit cheerful,
  Evermore joyful I shall be living,
  In the pure refuge of my God,
Under all the afflictions of this earth.

  In a troublesome desert place,
  Without a friend under heaven,
I shall be able to get my God's company,
  Who delights my age in peace,
  Until going to the portals of the grave,
In the delightful presence
    of thy worthy face.

  I will spend the hours of my age,
  Quietly under thy cross,
Only to get to look on thy countenance,
  The perfection of pleasure is,
  The feast of the love of God,
My whole delight and my peace.
for us was got :: for me was got
under thy cross :: under the cross
Only to get ::Only for me to get


- - - - -
(The Merits of the Salvation)
  O great salvation
  Which flooded down
In pure, crystal, living streams;
  Salvation for us was got,
  And peace in his blood,
From the free love of our God
    and our Father.

  For full salvation,
  Morning and afternoon,
To praise we shall get the worthy Jesus;
  Who suffered mortal anguish,
  Contentedly on the cross,
And his gifts he gave to humankind.

  Paying was finished fully,
  On the wooden cross one afternoon,
O happy Satisfaction! we get as a host,
  Forgiveness in his blood,
  And complete, true healing,
And God as a Father, in dear love.

  Some throng of a shining host,
  Before the throne are,
Praising dearly, and with public praise;
  Angels with their pure song,
  And saints great and small,
In holy Salem, forever satisfied.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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