O Iesu mawr yr hwn erioed

Jesus the name high over all

("Yr Hyfryd Lais")
O Iesu mawr, yr hwn erioed,
Mae d'enw gwiw uwch
    pob rhyw glôd;
  Llawenydd pur y seintiau cu,
  Dychryn ysbrydoedd uffern ddû.

Dy enw di mor hyfryd yw
I wael bechadur, Iesu gwiw;
  Gwasgaru wnaiff ei ofnau ef,
  A throi ei uffern ddû yn nef!

O deued pawb i brofi blas
O hedd fy Nuw, a dwyfol ras;
  Enyned cariad Iesu mawr
  Yn mhob rhyw fynwes ar y llawr.

Doed yr holl fyd
    at Frenin ne',
Mi wn fod yn ei freichiau le:
  Ffowch, bechaduriaid, ffowch yn glau,
  Duw cariad yn eich galw mae.

O brysia, brysia, ddedwydd ddydd
Pan welir meibion Adda'n rhydd,
  A'r byd i gyd ar uchel gân
  'Dderchafu clôd yr Iesu glân.
profi blas :: profi'r blâs
yn glau :: rhag gwae

cyf. John Hughes 1776-1843
Diferion y Cyssegr 1802

Tôn [MH 8888]: Mamre (G F Handel 1685-1759)

("The Delightful Voice")
O great Jesus, the greatest ever,
Thy worthy name is above
    every kind of praise;
  The pure joy of the dear saints,
  The horror of the spirits of black hell.

Thy name so delightful is
To a base sinner, worthy Jesus;
  Scatter shall all his fears,
  And turn his black hell into heaven!

O may all come to experience a taste
Of my God's peace, and divine grace;
  May the love of great Jesus be kindled
  In every kind of breast on the earth.

May all the world come
    to the King of heaven,
I know that there is room in his arms:
  Flee, sinners, flee quickly,
  The God of love calling you is.

O hurry, hurry, thou happy day
When the sons of Adam are to be seen free,
  And all the world with a loud song
  Exalt the praise of the holy Jesus.
experience a taste :: experience the taste
quickly :: from woe

tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

Jesus! the name high over all,
  In hell or earth
    or sky;
Angels and men before it fall,
  And devils fear and fly.

Jesus! the name to sinners dear,
  The name to sinners giv'n;
It scatters all their guilty fear,
  It turns their hell to Heav'n.

O that the world might taste and see
  The riches of His grace!
The arms of love that compass me
  Would all the world embrace.

O that my Jesu's
    heavenly charms
  Might every bosom move!
Fly, sinners, fly into those arms
  Of everlasting love.

Happy, if with my latest breath
  I might but gasp His name,
Preach Him to all and cry in death,
  "Behold, behold the Lamb!"

Charles Wesley 1707-88
Hymns and Sacred Poems 1749

Tunes [CM 8686]:
Byzantium (Thomas Jackson 1715-81)
Gräfenberg (Johann Crüger 1598-1662)
Lydia (Thomas Phillips 1735-1807)
Nativity (Henry Lahee 1826-1912)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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