O Iesu rwy'n dy garu

O Iesu, rwy'n Dy garu
  Am it' fy ngharu i,
A marw dros fy meiau
  Ar fynydd Calfari;
Dy wasanaethu mwyach
  A fydd fy hyfryd waith,
Hyd nes cyrhaeddaf adref
  Ar derfyn eitha'm taith.

O Iesu, rwy'n Dy garu
  Am it' fy ngharu i,
A maeddu fy ngelynion
  Ar groesbren Calfari;
Rwy'n penderfynu ymladd
  Â Satan, cnawd, a byd,
Ac ennill buddugoliaeth
  Drwy rin Dy angeu drud.

O Iesu, rhwy'n Dy garu,
  Am i't fy ngharu i,
A phrynnu imi heddwch
  Drwy aberth Calfari;
Nid ofnaf lid ystormydd,
  Na chroesau gwaetha'u rhyw;
Ond rhodiaf mewn gorfoledd
  Yn heddwch pur fy Nuw.
David Rowlands (Dewi Môn) 1836-1907

Tôn [7676D]: Angel's Story
    (Arthur H Mann 1850-1929)

O Jesus, I love thee
  For loving me,
And dying for my faults
  On the mount of Calvary;
Serving thee henceforth
  Shall be my delightful work,
Until I arrive at home
  At my journey's utmost end.

O Jeus, I love thee
  For loving me,
And beating my enemies
  On the wooden cross of Calvary;
I am deciding the fight
  With Satan, flesh and world,
And win a victory
  Through the merit of thy precious death.

O Jesus, I love thee,
  For loving me,
And purchasing for me peace
  Through the sacrifice of Calvary;
I shall not fear the wrath of storms,
  Nor crosses of the worst kind;
But I shall walk in jubilation
  In the pure peace of my God.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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