O Iesu tirion cofia

O Jesus Christ remember

O Iesu tirion, cofia
  Pan ddelych di'r ail waith
Ar glaer gymylau'r nefoedd
  A'th ddisglar osgordd faith,
Pan welo pob rhyw lygad
  Dy Dduwdod di yn ben
Sy heddiw ar yr allor
  Yn ddistaw tan y llen.

O cofia yna, Geidwad,
  Erfyniaf arnat ti
Mai yma ar fy ngliniau
  O'th flaen y plygais i;
Mai yma yr addefais
  Dy wirfod di dy hun,
A rhoddi clod i'th fawredd
  Na welai llygad dyn.

O derbyn, ddwyfol Geidwad,
  Wrogaeth hyn o ffydd;
Goleuni ac anrhydedd
  Fych imi yn fy nydd,
Bydd di yn gysur imi
  Pan ddelo pen fy nhaith,
Bydd di yn drysor imi
  Drwy dragwyddoldeb maith.
cyf. T Gwynn Jones 1871-1949

Tonau [7676D]:
Aurelia (Samuel S Wesley 1810-76)
Mannheim (Hans L Hassler 1564-1612)

O tender Jesus, remember
  When thou comest the second time
On the bright clouds of heaven
  And thy vast radiant retinue,
When every eye shall see
  Thy Divinity chiefly
Which is today on the altar
  Quietly under the sheet.

O remember then, Saviour,
  I beseech thee
That here on my knees
  Before thee I have bent;
That here I have promised
  To please thee thyself,
And give acclaim to thy majesty
  That no eye of man has seen.

O receive, divine Saviour,
  This allegiance of faith;
Light and honour
  Be thou to me in my day,
Be thou a comfort to me
  Whenever the end of my journey come,
Be thou a treasure to me
  Through a vast eternity.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion
O Jesus Christ, remember,
  When thou shalt come again,
Upon the clouds of heaven,
  With all thy shining train;
When every eye shall see thee
  In deity revealed,
Who now upon this altar
  In silence are concealed.

Remember then, O Saviour,
  I supplicate of thee,
That here I bowed before thee
  Upon my bended knee;
That here I owned thy presence,
  And did not thee deny,
And glorified thy greatness
  Though hid from human eye.

Accept, divine Redeemer,
  The homage of my praise;
Be thou the light and honour
  And glory of my days.
Be thou my consolation
  When death is drawing nigh:
Be thou my only treasure
  Through all eternity.
Edward Caswall 1814-78
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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