O'm blaen mi wela' ddrws agored

O'm blaen mi wela' ddrws agored,
  A modd i hollol gario'r ma's
Yng ngrym y rhoddion
    a dderbyniodd
  Yr Hwn gymerodd agwedd gwas;
Mae'r tywysogaethau wedi eu hysbeilio,
  A'r awdurdodau, ganddo ynghyd,
A'r carcharwr yn y carchar
  Trwy rinwedd
    ei ddioddefaint drud.

Fy enaid trist,
    wrth gofio'r frwydyr,
  Yn llamu o lawenydd sydd;
Gweld y ddeddf yn anrhydeddus
  A'i throseddwyr mawr yn rhydd;
Rhoi Awdwr bywyd i farwolaeth
  A chladdu'r Atgyfodiad mawr;
Dwyn i mewn dragwyddol heddwch
  Rhwng nef y nef
    a daear lawr.

Pan esgynnodd 'r Hwn ddisgynnodd
  Gwedi gorffen yma'r gwaith,
Y pyrth oedd yn dyrchafu eu pennau
  Dan ryfeddu yn eu hiaith;
Dorau'n agor, côr yn bowio
I Dduw mewn cnawd yr ochor draw;
  Y Tad yn siriol a'i gwahoddodd
I eistedd ar ei ddeau law.

Digon mewn llifeiriant dyfroedd,
  Digon yn y fflamau tân,
O! am bara i lynu wrtho,
  Fy enaid, byth yn ddiwahân:
Ar ddryslyd lwybrau
    tir Arabia
  Y mae gelynion fwy na rhi';
Rho gymdeithas dioddefiadau
  Gwerthfawr angau Calfari.
Ann Griffiths 1776-1805

Tonau [8787D]:
Dismissal (W L Viner 1790-1867)
Dre-Hir (David Evans 1874-1948)
Esther (John Roberts [Ieauan Gwyllt] 1822-77)
Towyn (David de Lloyd 1883-1948)

(Bydd) melys gofio y cyfamod
Deffro Arglwydd gwna rymuster
Digon mewn llifeiriant dyfroedd
  Fy enaid trist wrth gofio'r frwydyr
O ddedwydd awr tragwyddol orffwys
Pan esgynodd 'r Hwn ddisgynodd

Before me I see a door opened,
  And all my means of carrying the field
By the power of the gifts he received
  The One who took
    the attitude of a servant;
The principalities he has plundered,
  And the authorities, his together,
And the prisoners in the prison
  Through the virtue
    of his costly suffering. 

My sad soul,
    while remembering the battle,
  Is leaping from joy;
To see the law honoured
  And its great transgressors free;
To put the Author of life to death
  And bury the great Resurrection;
To bring in eternal peace
  Between the heaven of heaven
    and the earth below.

When the One who descended ascended
  After finishing here the work,
The gates were lifting up their heads
  Wondering at his salvation;
Doors open, choirs bowing
  To God in flesh the far side;
The Father cheerfully has him welcomed
  To sit at his right hand.

Sufficient in torrential waters,
  Sufficient in the flames of fire,
O to continue to cling to him,
  My soul, forever inseparable:
On the confused paths
    of the land of Arabia
  Are enemies more than number;
Give the fellowship of the sufferings
  Of the costly death of Calvary.
Behold, I have set before thee a door opened, which none can shut
Revelation 3:8
Strait, yet open wide before me,
  Stands a door by which the blest,
Through The Blood of My Redeemer,
  Enter into
    endless rest.
From the devil and his angels
  Jesus died to rescue me,
Crucified in shame and anguish
  On the tree
    of Calvary.

O for grace
    to be submissive
  And attentive to His Word,
Grace to cast the galling burden
  Of the past upon the Lord,
Grace to pay my vows whenever
  I have vowed unto the Lord,
Grace to sway the sword of safety,
  Ever His Eternal Word!

Human life, in all its stages,
  Meets with many enemies,
Satan's evil emissaries
  Compassing about like bees,
Some within my mind are tempting
  My dull soul to doubt my God;
Help me, Gracious Lord, to rout them,
  Trusting to Thy Precious Blood.

To a sorrow stricken sinner
  It is comforting to read
That My God is My Redeemer
  Ever nigh in time of need.
When the veil
    is rent asunder,
  Oh! how blessed will it be
To behold The Same Redeemer
  Still My Own eternally.
tr. 1900 George Richard Gould Pughe 1831-1917

Also: There's an open door before me
tr. H A Hodges 1905-76

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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