O'm meddwl dos fyd gwag er dim

Far from my thoughts vain world begone

(Mwynhad o Grist, neu hyfrydwch mewn addoliad. [Rhan I])
1,2,3,4,5,6;  1,2,4,5.
O'm meddwl dos
    fyd gwag er dim,
Ar waith fy Nuw gad lonydd im';
  O Arglwydd, disgwyl wrthyt ti,
  Ac am dy wel'd mae f'enaid i.

O'm mewn yn dwym mae nefol dān
Yn ennyn mewn dymuniad glān;
  Tyr'd, f'anwyl Iesu, oddi fry;
  A'm henaid portha ā'th gariad cu.

Blodeuog Breniau'r bywyd sy'
Ar dy ddeheulaw'n rhesau fry;
  Afonydd dy hyfrydwch maen'
  Yn llifo'n wastad heibio i'r rhai'n.

Am hyn gwna frys, dan wenu'n llon,
A hilia fwrdd dy ras ger bron:
  Rho brawf o'th sanctaidd
      air a'i rin,
  A'm galon llonna ā nefol win.

Bendigaid Iesu, melus yw
Dy wleddau per i'n henaid byw!
  Erioed ni cha'dd angylion flas
  O'th gariad trwy achubol ras.

Henffych, Immanuel, ynot cawn
Ogoniant Duw'n llewyrchu'n llawn:
  Ti yw'r disgleiriaf teccaf Un,
  A welodd angel nac un dyn.

              - - - - -

O'm meddwl dos,
    fyd gwag, er dim, 
Ar waith fy Nuw gād lonydd im',
  O Arglwydd, dysgwyl wrthyt ti,
  Ac am dy wel'd, mae f'enaid i.

O'm mewn ennyned nefol dān,
O gariad a dymuniad glān;
  Tyr'd, anwyl Iesu, oddi fry
  I'm gwledda'n llon
      ā'th gariad cu.

Pan deimlwyf lewyrch gwyneb Duw,
Pan allwyf ddweyd mai f'eiddo yw,
  Lawr dan fy nhraed
      'rwy'n sathru'r byd
  A'i fawredd a'i bleserau i gyd.
Bendigaid :: Fendigaid
wleddau :: wleddoedd
gwyneb :: wyneb

cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77
Psalmau Dafydd 1775

[Mesur: MH 8888]

gwelir: Rhan II - Mae nef o achubol rās a hedd

(Enjoyment of Christ, or delight in worship. [Part 1])
From my thought go thou
    vain world by any means,
On the work of my God leave me alone;
  O Lord, waiting for thee,
  And wanting to see thee is my soul.

Within me warm is heavenly fire
Kindling in holy desire;
  Come, my dear Jesus, from above;
  And feed my soul with thy dear love.

The flourishing trees of life are
At thy right hand in rows above;
  The rivers of thy delight are
  Flowing constantly past them.

Therefore make haste, smiling cheerfully,
And bring forth the table of thy love:
  Give an experience of thy sacred
      word and its merit,
  And cheer my heart with heavenly wine.

Blessed Jesus, sweet are
Thy fragrant feasts to my living soul!
  Never did angels get a taste
  Of thy love through saving grace.

Hail, Immanuel, in thee we may find
The glory of God shining fully:
  Thou are the radiance of the fairest One,
  That any angel or man ever saw.

                  - - - - -

From my thought go thou,
    vain world, by any means,
On the work of my God leave me alone;
  O Lord, waiting for thee,
  And wanting to see thee, is my soul.

Within me may heavenly fire be kindled,
Of love and holy desire;
  Come, dear Jesus, from above;
  And feast me cheerfully
      with thy dear love.

When I feel the radiance of God's face,
When I can say that he is mine,
  Down under my feet
      I am trampling the world
  And its greatness and all its pleasures.

tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

Far from my thoughts,
    vain world, begone;
Let my religious hours alone;
  From flesh and sense I would be free,
  And hold communion, Lord, with Thee.

My heart grows warm with holy fire,
And kindles with a pure desire
  To see Thy grace, to taste Thy love,
  And feel Thine influence from above.

The trees of life immortal stand
In fragrant rows at Thy right hand;
  And in sweet murmurs, by their side,
  Rivers of bliss perpetual glide.

Haste, then, but with a smiling face,
And spread the table of Thy grace;
  Bring down a taste
      of fruit divine,
  And cheer my heart with sacred wine.

Blest Jesus, what delicious fare!
How sweet Thy entertainments are!
  Never did angels taste above
  Redeeming grace, and dying love.

Hail, great Immanuel, all divine!
In Thee Thy Father's glories shine;
  Thou brightest, sweetest, fairest One,
  That eyes have seen or angels known.

                - - - - -

Far from my thoughts,
    vain world, begone;
Let my religious hours alone;
  From flesh and sense I would be free,
  And hold communion, Lord, with Thee.

My heart grows warm with holy fire,
And kindles with a pure desire
  To see Thy grace, to taste Thy love,
  And feel Thine influence
      from above.

When I can say that God is mine,
When I can see Thy glories shine,
  I'll tread the world
      beneath my feet,
  And all that men call rich and great.

Isaac Watts 1674-1748

Tune [LM 8888]: Hampton (Henry T Smart 1813-79)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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