O! melus yw'r llawenydd sydd

(Gwynfyd y Meirw yn yr Arglwydd)
O! melus yw'r llawenydd sydd
Yn fynnych yn fy enaid prudd,
  Wrth feddwl am y brodyr cu,
  Aethant i'r fro nefolaidd fry.

Gadawsant eu daearol dŷ,
Ac aethant trwy'r Iorddonen ddu,
  At Iesu fry i Sïon fryn,
  Lle'r oedd eu calon hwy cyn hyn.

Maent wedi cyrchu at y nôd,
Lle'r oedd eu hamcan hwy am fod;
  Maent wedi gorphen ar eu gwaith,
  A myn'd yn dêg i ben y daith.

Mewn rhyfel buont yma'n hir,
Yn colli a cyn ennill tir;
  Ond Crist yn wastad oedd o'u plaid,
  A'i ras i'w cynnorthwyo wrth raid.

Ymdrechu wnaethant ymdrech dêg;
A chael y frwydyr yn ddi-frêg;
  'Nawr, plmwydd yn eu dwylo sydd
  Arwyddion, iddynt gario'r dydd.

'Does dim ymbleidio yn eu plith,
Na barna cilion, chwerwon, chwith:
  Byw maent mewn cariad pur heb ball,
  A rhydd-did llawn, naill at y llall.

Pa Gristion na hiraethai mwy!
Ymddattod i fyn'd attynt hwy?
  O sŵn y byd yn ddigon pell,
  Bod gyda Christ sy lawer gwell.
Dafydd Jones 1711-77

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Gweddi (<1875)
Playford (Salmydd Playford 1671)

(The Blessedness of the Death in the Lord)
O sweet is the joy that is
Attending my sad soul,
  On thinking about the dear brothers,
  Who went to the heavenly region above!

They left their earthly house,
And they went through the black Jordan,
  To Jesus above to Zion hill,
  Where their hearts were before this.

They had aimed for the mark,
Where their purpose wanted to be;
  They had finished their work,
  And gone fairly to the journey's end.

In war they were long here,
Losing and before gaining ground;
  But Christ constantly was on their side,
  With his grace to help them at need.

They struggled with fair effort;
And had the battle constantly;
  Now, there are palms in their hands
  Signs that they carried the day.

There was no party-spirit amongst them,
Nor covert, bitter, awkward judgments; 
  Living they are in pure unfailing love,
  And full freedom, towards one another.

What Christian would not long henceforth
To be released to go to them?
  From the world's noise sufficiently far,
  To be with Christ which is far better.
tr. 2022 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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