O na bai fy mhen yn ddyfroedd (Fel yr wylwn ...)

O! na bai fy mhen yn ddyfroedd
  Fel yr wylwn yn ddidrai
Am fod Seion, lu banerog,
  Yng_ngwres y dydd yn llwfrhau;
O! datguddia y colofnau
  A_wnaed i'w chynnal
      yn y nos,
Addewidion diamodol
  Duw ar gyfri'
      angau'r groes.

Cofia, Arglwydd, dy ddyweddi,
  Llama ati fel yr hydd,
Ac na ad i'r Amaleciaid
  Arni'n hollol gario'r dydd;
Mae'r llwynogod ynddi'n rhodio
  I ddifwyno'r egin grawn,
S'ceina fwyfwy sy'n ymadael
  O foreddydd hyd brynhawn.

Deffro, Arglwydd, gwna rymuster,
  Cofia lŵ'r
      cyfamod hedd,
Gwêl dy Enw mawr dan orchudd
  Ar y tystion yn y bedd;
Gair o'th enau, dônt i fyny!
  Ti yw'r Atgyfodiad mawr,
Ac argraffiadau yr Enw newydd
  Yn ddisglair arnynt fel y wawr.

Hwn yw'r ennaint tywalltedig,
  Ymddibynnol arno ei hun
I ddwyn gelynion byth yn deilwng
  Wrthrychau cariad Tri yn Un;
Mae edifeirwch wedi ei guddio,
  Am hyn er neb
      ni thry yn ôl
Nes bod â'r llafur yn ddihangol
  I dragwyddoldeb yn ei gôl.
Ar y tystion yn y bedd :: Y tystion sydd yn wael eu gwedd
Gair o'th enau, dônt :: Dywed air a'u cwyd

- - - - -


O! na bai fy mhen yn ddyfroedd
  Fel yr ŵylwn yn ddi-lai
Am fod Seion, lu banerog,
  Yng_ngwres y dydd yn llwfrhau;
O! datguddia y colofnau
  A_wnaed i'w chynnal
      yn y nos,
Addewidion diamodol
  Duw ar gyfrif
      angau'r groes.

Mae_bod yn fyw yn fawr ryfeddod
  Mewn ffwrneisiau sydd mor boeth;
Ond mwy rhyfedd, wedi 'mhrofi
  Y_dof i'r canol fel aur coeth:
Amser cannu, diwrnod nithio,
  Eto'n dawel heb ddim braw;
Y_Gŵr a fydd i mi'n ymguddfa
  Sydd â'r wyntyll yn ei law.

O! am ddyfod o'r anialwch
  I_fyny fel colofnau mwg,
Yn_uniongyrchol at ei orsedd,
  Nid oes yn ei wedd Ef wg:
Amen diddechrau a diddiwedd,
  Tyst_ffyddlon yw,
    a'i air yn un;
Amlygu mae ogoniant Trindod
  Yn achubiaeth euog ddyn.

            - - - - -

O! na b'ai fy mhen yn ddyfroedd
  Fel yr wylwn ddyddiau maith,
Dros ferch Seion, sydd yn cysgu
  Yn yr anial ar ei thaith;
O! na ddeuai'r hen bŵerau,
  Welwyd yn y dyddiau gynt!
Wrth brophwydo uwchben yr esgyrn,
  O! na chlywem
      sŵn y gwnt!

            - - - - -

O! na b'ai fy mhen yn ddyfroedd
  Fel yr wylwn ddyddiau maith,
Wrth wel'd Seion wedi hepian
  Yn yr anial ar ei thaith;
Y byd yn gorwedd mewn drygioni,
  Seion wedi cysgu'n drwm:
O! am floedd yr adgyfodiad
  I ddadebru'r dyffryn hwn.

Disgyn, IOR, a rhwyga'r nefoedd,
  Tywallt YSPRYD gras i lawr;
Disgyn fel y toddo'r bryniau,
  Diosg fraich dy allu mawr:
Difa'r llèni, ymddysglaeria
  Ar dy drugareddfa lân;
Rho dy lais a'th wenau tirion,
  Achub bentewynion tân.
Ann Griffiths 1776-1805

Tonau [8787D afreolaidd]:
Chartres (carol Ffrengig)
Diniweidrwydd (alaw Gymreig)
Eifionydd (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
Esther (John Roberts [Ieuan Gwyllt] 1822-77)
Noddfa (Hugh Jones 1863-1933)

  Cofia Arglwydd dy ddyweddi
  Deffro Arglwydd gwna rymuster
  Dyma babell y cyfamod
  Mae bod yn fyw o fawr ryfeddod
  Mae sŵn y clychau'n chwarae

O that my head were waters
  So I would weep unebbingly
That Zion, a bannered host, is
  In the heat of the day quailing;
O disclose the columns
  Which were made to support her
      in the night,
Unconditional promises
  Of God on account of
      the blood of the cross.

Remember, Lord, thy betrothed,
  Leap to her like the hart,
And do not let the Amalekites
  Completely carry the day against her;
The foxes in her are roaming
  To destroy the shoots of grapes,
Shekinah is more and more departing
  From morning until afternoon.

Awake, Lord, make fortitude,
  Remember the oath of the
     covenant of peace,
See the great Name under a covering
  On the witnesses in the grave;
A word from thy mouth, they will come up!
  Thou art the great Resurrection,
With impressions of the new Name
  Shining upon them like the dawn.

This is the ointment poured out,
  Dependent upon itself
To bring enemies to be forever worthy
  Objects of the love of the Three in One;
Repentance has been hidden,
  Therefore despite all
      he will not turn back
Until the work goes safely
  To eternity in his bosom.
On the witnesses in the grave :: The witnesses who are of a poor condition
A word from thy mouth, they will come :: Say a word which will raise them

- - - - -


O that my head were waters
  So I would weep unfailingly
That Zion, a bannered host, is
  In the heat of the day quailing;
O disclose the columns
  Which were made to support her
      in the night,
Unconditional promises
  Of God on account of
      the blood of the cross.

Being alive is a great wonder
  In furnaces which are so hot;
But more amazing, after my experiencing
  My coming to the centre like fine gold:
A time of bleaching, a day of winnowing,
  Still quiet without any alarm;
The Man who will be to me a hiding place
  Is with the fan in his hand.

O for lifting from the desert
  Up like pillars of smoke
Directly to his throne,
  He is sitting there without his frown:
Amen unbeginning and unending,
  He is a faithful witness,
    and his word is the same;
Evident is the glory of the Trinity
  In the saving of damnable man.

                 - - - - -

Oh that my head were waters,
  So I would weep for extensive days,
Over the daughter of Zion, who is sleeping
  In the desert on her journey!
Oh that the old power would come
  Seen in the former days!
While prophesying above the bones,
  Oh that we would hear
      the sound of the wind!

                 - - - - -

O that my head were waters
  So I would weep for extensive days,
On seeing Zion having limped
  In the desert on her journey;
The world lying in evil,
  Zion having slept heavily:
Oh for the shout of resurrection
  To revive this vale.

Descend, Lord, and rend the heavens,
  Pour the Spirit of grace down;
Descend like the melting of the hills,
  Bare the arm of thy great power:
Remove the curtains, shine thou
  Upon thy holy mercy-seat;
Give thy voice and thy tender smiles,
  Save the inhabitants of fire.
tr. 2009,10 Richard B Gillion
O that now mine eyes were fountains,
  That I night and day might weep,
To see Zion in the desert,
  On her journey gone asleep.
In its sin the wide world lying,
  Zion halted -
      sleeping fast:
With thy breath
    to wake the valley,
  Come, eternal Spirit, haste!

Zion, wake! O hear the groaning
  Of the earth
      beneath her wrong;
Time it is that thou wert stirring,
  Why, O why hast slept so long?
Slumbered hast thou many ages,
  And thy Lord account hath kept:
Shall thy foes say, Zion, Zion!
  "None, as thou, so long hath slept?"


- - - - -


O that now mine eyes were fountains,
  That I night and day might weep,
To see Zion in the desert,
  On her journey gone asleep.
In its sin the wide world lying,
  Zion halted -
      sleeping fast:
With thy breath to wake the valley,
  Come, eternal
      Spirit, haste!

              - - - - -

O that now mine eyes were fountains,
  That I night and day might weep,
To see Zion in the desert,
  On her journey gone asleep.
In its sin the wide world lying,
  Zion halted - sleeping fast:
With thy breath to wake the valley,
  Come, eternal
      Spirit, haste!

              - - - - -

O that now mine eyes were fountains,
  That I night and day might weep,
To see Zion in the desert,
  On her journey gone asleep.
In its sin the wide world lying,
  Zion halted - sleeping fast:
With thy breath to wake the valley,
  Come, eternal Spirit, haste!

tr. 1854 Joseph Morris

O that all my head were waters,
tr. H A Hodges 1905-76

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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