O nefol addfwyn Oen

(Cariad Crist)
  O nefol addfwyn Oen,
    Iachawdwr dynolryw,
  Doed pawb yn wir ddiboen,
    I foli'th enw gwiw;
Mae'th ddawn, a'th ras,
      a'th gariad drud,
Yn llanw'r nef, yn llanw'r byd.

  Noddfa pechadur trist
    Tan bob drylliedig friw,
  A phob euogrwydd llym,
    Yn unig yw fy Nuw;
'D oes enw i'w gael o tan y nef
Yn unig ond ei enw Ef.

  Ymgrymed pawb i lawr
    I enw'r addfwyn Oen;
  Yr enw mwya mawr
    Erioed a glywyd sôn:
Y clôd a'r nerth,
      y parch a'r bri
F'o fyth i enw'n Harglwydd ni.

  Dioddefodd hoelion dûr,
    Pan rodd ei werthfawr waed:
  Gwnaeth ni'n offeiriaid pûr,
    'Was'naethu ei nefol Dad:
Brenhinoedd y'm o ddwyfol ryw,
Perthynas agos iawn i'n Duw.

  Cawn g'ronnau cyn b'o hir,
    Oll fel ei goron ef,
A gwel'd ei ogoniant pûr,
    Yn ddisglaer yn y nef;
A seinio ei glôd,
      a'i ryfedd waith,
I eithaf trag'wyddoldeb maith.

           - - - - -

  O nefol addfwyn Oen,
    Iachawdwr dynolryw,
  Doed pawb yn wir ddiboen,
    I foli'th Enw gwiw;
Mae'th ddawn, a'th ras,
      a'th gariad drud,
Yn llanw'r nef yn llanw'r byd.

  Noddfa pechadur trist
    Tan bob drylliedig friw,
  A phob euogrwydd llym,
    Yn unig yw fy Nuw;
'Does enw i'w gael o tan y nef
Yn unig ond ei Enw Ef.

  Ei hyfryd Enw yw
    Gorfoledd nef a llawr;
  'Does gymhorth ini gael
    Ond yn ei Enw mawr;
Yr Iesu rŷdd i ni iachâd -
Efe yw'r Meddyg goreu gaed.

  I'r gogledd, dwyrain, de,
    Ac i'r gorllewin faith,
  Yr elo'i Enw E'
    Yn glodfawr yn mhob iaith;
Am glwyfau'r Oen
      a'i gariad rhad,
Boed melys ganmol yn mhob gwlad.

              - - - - -

  O nefol addfwyn Oen,
    Sy'n llawer gwell na'r byd;
  Mae lluoedd maith y nef
    Yn rhedeg arno'u bryd;
Mae'th ddawn, a'th ras,
      a'th gariad drud,
Yn llanw'r nef, yn llanw'r byd.

  O! enw anwyl iawn!
    Anwylaf un yn bod:
  Na chlywodd engyl nef,
    Gyffelyb iddo erioed;
Rhôf arno 'mhwys, doed dydd, doed nos,
Fe'm deil i'r lân
      dan bob rhyw groes.

  Pan ddelo'r hyfryd ddydd,
    I mi gael gwel'd Ei wedd,
  Ac yfed ffrydiau pur
    O'i annherfynol hedd,
'Mhlith lluoedd maith y drydydd nef,
Mi ganaf am ei gariad Ef.

               - - - - -
    1,(2,(5)),6;  1,3,4,6;  1,5,6.

  O nefol addfwyn Oen,
    Sy'n llawer gwell na'r byd,
  A lluoedd maith y nef
    Yn rhedeg arno'u bryd,
Dy ddawn a'th ras a'th gariad drud
Sy'n llanw'r nef, yn llanw'r byd.

  O ffynnon fawr o hedd!
    O anchwiliadwy fôr,
  Sy'n cynnwys ynddo'i hun
    Ryw annherfynol stôr!
Ti biau'r clod - wel, cymer ef
Trwy'r ddaear lawr
       a nef y nef.

  O Rosyn Saron hardd,
    O Lili gwyn ei liw;
  Nid oes o'r ddae'r a dardd,
    Flaguryn fel fy Nuw:
Yn mhlith y coed rhyw gangen lawn
O sypiau grawn f'Anwylyd yw.

  Pan oeddwn i yn wan,
    Yn mron llewygu'n wir,
  Fe'm c'ododd i i'r lan
    I mewn i'w windy pur:
Ce's yfed gwin, hyd heddyw mae
Fyth yn parhau ei nefol rin.

  Noddfa pechadur trist
    Dan bob drylliedig friw
  A phwys euogrwydd llym
    Yn unig yw fy Nuw;
'Does enw i'w gael o dan y nef
Yn unig ond ei enw ef.

  Ymgrymed pawb i lawr
    I enw'r addfwyn Oen,
  Yr enw mwyaf mawr
    Erioed a glywyd sôn:
Y clod, y mawl,
      y parch a'r bri
Fo byth i enw'n Harglwydd ni.
Dy ddawn ... Sy'n llanw :: Mae'th dawn ... Yn llanw

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [666688]:
Alexandria (alaw Almaenaidd)
Alun (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
Dudley (Edward F Rimbault 1816-76)
Gopsal (George F Handel 1685-1759)
Gwladys (William Tans'ur 1700-83)
Hollybourne (H Smart 1813-79)
Lovely/Rhosymedre (J D Edwards 1805-85)
  O Nefol Addfwyn Oen (Sioned Williams)
St Anatolius (John B Dykes 1823-76)

  Dysgleiria fore wawr
  Fy meiau sydd heb rif
  I enw'r addfwyn Oen (Yr enw mwyaf mawr)
  Ni chollwyd gwaed y groes
  O Rosyn Saron hardd
  Ymgrymed pawb i lawr (I enw'r addfwyn Oen)

(The Love of Christ)
  O heavenly, gentle Lamb,
    The Saviour of humankind,
  Let all come truly without pain,
    To praise thy worthy name;
Thy gift, and thy grace,
      and thy precious love, are
Filling heaven, filling the world.

  The Refuge of a sad sinner
    Under every broken bruise,
  And every sharp guilt,
    Is my God alone;
There is no name to be had under heaven
Except his name alone.

  Let everyone bow down
    To the name of the gentle Lamb;
  The most great name
    Of which was ever heard mention:
The acclaim, and the strength,
      the reverence and the renown
Be forever to the name of our Lord.

  He suffered nails of steel,
    When he gave his precious blood:
  He made us pure priests,
    To serve his heavenly Father:
Kings we are of a royal kind,
A very close relationship with our God.

  We may have crowns before long,
    All like his crown,
  And see his pure glory,
    Shining in heaven;
And sound his acclaim,
      and his wonderful work,
To the end of a vast eternity.

              - - - - -

  O heavenly, gentle Lamb,
    The Saviour of humankind,
  Let all come truly without pain,
    To praise thy worthy Name;
Thy gift, and thy grace,
      and thy precious love, are
Filling heaven, filling the world.

  The Refuge of a sad sinner
    Under every broken bruise,
  And every sharp guilt,
    Is my God alone;
There is no name to be had under heaven
Except his Name alone.

  'Tis delightful Name that is
    The jubilation of heaven and earth;
  There is no help for us to get
    But in his great Name;
Jesus shall give to us healing -
He is the best Physician to be had.

  To the north, east, south,
    And to the vast west,
  His Name goes
    Praiseworthy in every language;
For the wounds of the Lamb
      and his free love,
Be sweet praise in every land.

                 - - - - -

  O heavenly gentle Lamb,
    Who is much better than the world,
  Numerous hosts of heaven are
    Running to do his will,
Thy gift, and thy grace,
      and thy costly love, is
Flooding heaven, flooding the world.

  O very dear love!
    The dearest one there is:
  No angel of heaven heard
    Its like ever;
I will lean on it, come day, come night,
It will hold me up
      under every kind of cross.

  When the delightful day comes,
    For me to see his countenance,
  And drink the pure streams
    Of his boundless peace,
Amongst the vast hosts of the third heaven,
I shall sing about his love.

                - - - - -

  O heavenly gentle Lamb,
    Much better than the world,
  And numerous hosts of heaven
    Running to do thy will,
The gift from thy grace and costly love
Fills heaven, fills the world.

  O great fount of peace!
    O unsearchable ocean,
  Who contains within himself
    Some infinite store!
To Thee belongs the praise - see, take it
Through the earth below
       and the heaven of heaven.

  O beautiful Rose of Sharon,
    O Lily with its white colour;
  There is not from the earth which springs,
    Any shoot like my God:
In the midst of the wood some full branch
Of clusters of grapes my Beloved is.

  When I was weak,
    In my breast fainting truly,
  He raised me up
    Into his pure wine-house:
I got to drink wine, until today is
Forever enduring his heavenly virtue.

  Refuge of a sad sinner
    Under every broken wound
  And force of sharp guilt
    Only is my God;
There is no name to be had under heaven
Except his name alone.

  Let everyone bow down
    To the name of the gentle Lamb,
  The name most great
    Ever whose sound was heard!
The exaltation, the praise,
      the respect and the honour
Be ever to the name of our Lord!

tr. 2008,20 Richard B Gillion

  O, gentle heavenly Lamb
    Excelling earthly things,
  Whose praise the host of heaven
    Continually sings,
Thy grace, thy gifts,
       and thy dear love
Fill all the earth and heaven above.

  Let all obeisance make
    And name the gentle Lamb
  The greatest name of all
    Were e'er pronounced by man;
Let honour, glory,
      praise, and fame
Be ever given to his name.

               - - - - -

  O, gentle heavenly Lamb
    Excelling earthly things,
  Whose praise the host of heaven
    Continually sings,
Thy grace, thy gifts,
       and thy dear love
Fill all the earth and heaven above.

               - - - - -

  O, gentle heavenly Lamb
    Excelling earthly things,
  Whose praise the host of heaven
    Continually sings,
Thy grace, thy gifts,
       and thy dear love
Fill all the earth and heaven above.

               - - - - -

  O, gentle heavenly Lamb
    Excelling earthly things,
  Whose praise the host of heaven
    Continually sings,
Thy grace, thy gifts, and thy dear love
Fill all the earth and heaven above.

  O, mighty source of peace,
    O, sea without a shore,
  That in itself contains
    An endless, loving store,
Thine is the praise, - accept it now
From all in heaven, and earth below.

  Let all obeisance make
    And name the gentle Lamb
  The greatest name of all
    Were e'er pronounced by man;
Let honour, glory,
      praise, and fame
Be ever given to his name.

tr. M J H Ellis (Monti)
used by kind permission of the author

Tune [666688]: Majesty
    (old melody, arr. P H Lewis 1875-1956)

              - - - - -

  O gracious Lamb of God!
    How precious and how sweet!
  I see the hosts of heaven
    Now prostrate at Thy feet;
Thy gifts, Thy grace, Thy tender love
Pervade the world and heaven above.

  A place of refuge to
    The sinner in his flight
  To enter, and be safe,
    Is Jesus in His might;
No other name in heaven or earth
Can save the man from sin and dearth.

  O let us all bow down
    To Jesus' mighty Name,
  And heartily we shall
    His sweetest Name proclaim;
Our songs of praises we shall sing
Forevermore to Christ the King.
tr. Rev Edward Roberts

Tune [666688]: Alun (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)

also: Most gentle heavenly Lamb
      (tune: Rhosymedre [J D Edwards 1805-85])

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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