O annherfynol rās didrai
O'r annherfynol rās didrai

(Gras Duw y'nghadwedigaeth pechaduriaid)
O'r annherfynol rās didrai,
  A lifai fel yr afon,
O rād drag'wyddol gariad Duw,
  At ddynolryw afradlon!

Gadawsom oll ein Harglwydd pur,
  Yn wrthryfelwyr aethom;
A chrwydro hefyd bawb ar goll
  Yn aethus oll a wnaethom.

Ond o anfeidrol rās ein Duw,
  A'n cyrcha i fyw o'r carchar,
I feddu llwyr orfoledd llon
  Yn mysg angylion hawddgar!

Anrhydedd fyth i ryfedd rās,
  A'n dyg o deyrnas diafol,
I eglwys dźg ein Harglwydd da,
  A newydd salem nefol.
O'r annherfynol :: O annherfynol
Gadawsom oll ein :: Gadawodd pawb eu
o anfeidrol ras :: llaw anfeidrol rās
o'r carchar :: o'n carchar

Benjamin Francis 1734-99

[Mesur: MS 8787]

(The Grace of God in the salvation of sinners)
O the endless, unebbing grace,
  That would stream like the river,
From the free, eternal love of God,
  To prodigal humankind!

We had all left our pure Lord,
  Rebels we became;
And wander also all astray
  Grievously we all did.

But from the infinite grace of our God,
  He sent us alive from the prison,
To possess completely cheerful jubilation
  Amongst the beautiful angels!

Honour forever to amazing grace,
  Which leads us from the diabolical kingdom,
To the fair church of our good Lord,
  And a heavenly, new Jerusalem.
O the endless :: O endless
We had all left our :: All left their
from the infinite grace :: the hand of the infinite grace
from the prison :: from our prison

tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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