O ryfedd ryfedd gariad rhad

(Yr Arglwydd yw fy Rhan)
O ryfedd, ryfedd gariad rhad!
  Trwy waed y groes
      'rwi'n fyw;
Fy ngwaith dros byth o hyn i maes,
  Fydd canmol gras fy Nuw.

O dyma ffrynd, dywedwch pwy
  Sy' debyg iddo fe!
A bery'n ffyddlon i mi trwy
  Bob trallod tan y ne'.

O'm ie'ngctyd buost Arglwydd da
  Yn gymmorth i dy was;
Tan lawer cwmmwl tywyll du
  Cynheliaist fi a'th ras.

O Arglwydd etto moes dy law
  Nes delw 'i draw i'r bedd:
Trwy'r holl anialwch dyrus maith
  I ben fy nhaith mewn hedd.

Pan bwy' yn angeu'n crymmu ' mhen,
  Rho wên dy wyneb cu;
Doed yr angylion yno'n rhês
  I'm dwyn i'th fynwes frŷ.

           - - - - -

O ryfedd, ryfedd gariad rhad!
  Trwy waed y groes 'rwy'n fyw;
Fy ngwaith dros byth o hyn i maes,
  Fo canmol gras fy Nuw.

O dyma un, - dywedwch pwy,
  Sydd debyg iddo Ef?
A bery'n ffyddlon imi trwy,
  Bob trallod tan y nef?

O'm hie'nctyd buost, Arglwydd da,
  Yn etifeddiaeth fras;
Dan lawer cwmmwl tywyll, du,
  Cynnaliaist fi â'th râs.

O Arglwydd, eto moes dy law,
  Nes deuaf draw i'r bedd;
Trwy'r holl anialwch dyrys maith,
  I ben fy nhaith mewn hedd.

Pan b'wyf yn angeu'n crymu ' mhen,
  Rho wên dy wyneb cu;
Doed yr angylion yno'n rhês
  I'm dwyn i'th fynwes frŷ.
William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [MC 8686]: St Stephen (William Jones 1726-1800)

  Iesu yw'm Ffordd i'r nefol fyd
  Tywysog mawr y bywyd clyw

(The Lord is my Portion)
O wonderful, wonderful free love!
  Through the blood of the cross
      I am alive;
My work from now for ever on,
  Shall be to extol the grace of my God.

O here is a friend, - tell ye who
  Is like unto him!
Who shall stay faithful to me through
  Every tribulation under heaven.

From my youth thou hast been, good Lord,
  A help to thy servant;
Under many a dark black cloud
  Thou didst uphold me with thy grace.

O Lord, still give thy hand
  Until I come to yonder side of the grave:
Through all the troublesome, vast desert
  To the end of my journey in peace.

When I am in death bowing my head,
  Give the smile of thy dear face;
May the angels come there in a rank
  To take me to thy bosom above.

                 - - - - -

O wonderful, wonderful free love!
  Through the blood of the cross I am alive;
My work from now for ever on,
  Shall be to extol the grace of my God.

O here is one, - tell ye who,
  Is like unto him?
Who shall stay faithful to me, through
  Every tribulation under heaven?

From my youth thou hast been, good Lord,
  A rich inheritance;
Under many a dark, black cloud,
  Thou didst uphold me with thy grace.

O Lord, still give thy hand,
  Until I come to yonder side of the grave;
Through all the vast troublesome desert,
  To the end of my journey in peace.

When I am in death bowing my head,
  Give the smile of thy dear face;
May the angels come there as a rank
  To take me to thy bosom above.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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