O Sion ddinas euraidd

Jerusalem the golden

(Digrifwch y nef)
O! Sion ddinas euraidd,
  O fêl a llaeth yn lli;
Mae meddwl am d'ogoniant
  Yn rhwymo 'm tafod i.

Nis gallaf ddim amgyffred,
  Digrifwch pur y nef;
Na mawredd y gogonedd,
  Sy'n nghadw ganddo Ef.

Trigfanau dysglaer Sïon,
  Mae yno ddedwydd gân;
A myrddiwn o angelion,
  A llu'r merthyron glân.

A'r Twysog fyth sydd yno,
  A'r goleu sydd yn glir;
Porfëydd y nefol seintiau
  Sydd hyfryd iawn yn wir.

Mae gorsedd Dafydd yno,
  Ac yno fyth mewn hedd,
Mae llais y gorfoleddwyr,
  Yn seinio yn y wledd.

Y rhai y'nghyd â'u Cadben
  Fu'n ymladd yma'n hir;
Byth yn y nef a wisgant,
  Eu gynau gwynion pur.

O! anwyl wlad fendigaid,
  O! gartre' teulu Duw;
Pob calon sy'n hiraethu,
  Am ynot fyth gael byw.

O! dwg ni rasol Iesu,
  I nefol wlad y gân,
I foli yn dragywydd
  Y Drindod ddiwahân.
cyf. Hymnau Hen a Diweddar (Owen Jones) 1869

Tôn [7676]:
Haarlem (<1875)
Jerusalem (<1875)

  Amdanat wlad anwylaf
  Byr amser sydd in' yma
  Caersalem ddinas euraid
  Ierusalem oreurog
  O anwyl gartre' nefol

(The pleasure of heaven)
O Zion, thou golden city,
  With honey and milk flowing;
Thinking about thy glory is
  Binding my tongue.

I cannot grasp
  The pure pleasure of heaven;
Nor the majesty of the glory,
  That is kept by him.

The radiant dwellings of Zion,
  There is a happy song there;
And myriads of angels,
  And a host of holy martyrs.

And the Prince shall forever be there,
  And the light that is clear;
The pasture of the heavenly saints
  Is truly very delightful.

The throne of David is there,
  And there forever in peace,
There is the voice of those rejoicing,
  Sounding in the feast.

Those together with their Captain
  Who were fighting here long;
Forever in heaven and who wear
  Their pure, white robes.

O dear, blessed land!
  O home of the family of God!
Every heart is longing,
  In thee forever to get to live.

O bring us, gracious Jesus,
  To the heavenly land of song!
To praise in eternity
  The undivided Trinity.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion
Jerusalem the golden,
  With milk and honey blest,
Beneath thy contemplation
  Sink heart and voice oppressed.

I know not, O I know not,
  What joys await us there,
What radiancy of glory,
  What bliss beyond compare.

They stand, those halls of Zion,
  All jubilant with song,
And bright with many an angel,
  And all the martyr throng;

The Prince is ever in them,
  The daylight is serene.
The pastures of the blessèd
  Are decked in glorious sheen.

There is the throne of David,
  And there, from care released,
The shout of them that triumph,
  The song of them that feast;

And they, who with their leader,
  Have conquered in the fight,
Forever and forever
  Are clad in robes of white.

O sweet and blessèd country,
  The home of God's elect!
O sweet and blessèd country,
  That eager hearts expect!

Jesus, in mercy bring us
  To that dear land of rest,
Who art, with God the Father,
  And Spirit, ever blessed.
John Mason Neale 1818-66
from the Latin

Urbs Sion aurea
Bernard of Morlaix/Cluny

Tune [7676D]: Ewing (Alexander Ewing 1830-95)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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