O tyn (Y gorchudd yn y mynydd hyn)

(Rhin y Gwaed)
1,2,3,(4);  1,2,4;  1,3,4.
      O tyn
Y gorchudd yn y mynydd hyn!
Llewyrched haul cyfiawnder gwyn
  O ben y bryn
          bu'r Addfwyn Oen
Yn dioddef dan yr hoelion dur
  O gariad pur i mi mewn poen.

      P'le, p'le
Y gwnaf fy noddfa dan y ne'
Ond yn Ei archoll ddwyfol E'?
  Y bicell gre'
          aeth dan Ei fron
Agorodd ffynnon i'm glanhau -
  'Rwy'n llawenhau fod lle yn hon.

      Oes, oes -
Mae rhin a grym
      yng ngwaed y groes
I lwyr lanhau
        holl feiau f'oes:
  Ei ddwyfol loes a'i ddyfal lef
Mewn gweddi drosof at y Tad
  Yw fy rhyddhad a'm hawl i'r nef.

      Golch fi
Oddi wrth fy meiau aml eu rhi'
Yn afon waedlyd Calfari
  Sydd heddiw'n lli o haeddiant llawn:
Dim trai ni welir arni mwy,
  Hi bery'n hwy na
        bore a nawn.
P'le, p'le :: Ble, ble :: Pa le

1797 Hugh Jones 1749-1825

              - - - - -

      O tyn
Y gorchudd yn y mynydd hyn;
Llewyrched Haul cyfiawnder gwyn
  O ben y bryn
        bu'r addfwyn Oen
Yn dioddef dan yr hoelion dur
  O gariad pur i mi, mewn poen.

      Pa le
Y gwnaf fy noddfa dan y ne',
Ond yn ei archoll dyfnion e'?
  Y bicell gre'
        aeth dan ei fron,
Agorodd ffynnon i'm glanhau;
  'R wy'n llawenhau
        bod lle yn hon.

      Gwych sain,
Fydd eto am
    y goron ddrain,
Yr hoelion llym, a'r bicell fain,
  Wrth gofio rhain
          caiff uffern glwy'
Carcharau tynion aeth yn rhydd,
  Fe gaed y dydd, Hosanna mwy.

      I'r làn,
Os bydd in' dd'od o'r anial fân,
Bydd hyfryd seinio yn y màn,
  Pawb yn ei ran yn moli'r Oen,
Mewn melus anthem, newydd iaith,
  Ar ben y daith
          heb friw na phoen.
1-2: Hugh Jones 1749-1825
3-4: John Roberts 1753-1834

Braint / Trawsfynydd (alaw Gymreig)
Dorcas (D J James 1743-1831)
Glanyrafon (David Davies 1810-75)
Tydvil (Tom Price 1857-1925)
William (Morfydd Llwyn Owen 1892-1918)

  Golch ni (Oddiwrth ein beiau aml ri')
  Gras gras (Yn genllif grymus ddaeth i maes)
  Gwych sain (Fydd eto am y goron ddrain)
  Mae mae (Y dydd yn d'od i'r duwiol rai)
  Pa le (Y gwnaf fy noddfa dan y ne')?
  Rhad ras (Yw'r newydd gân bereiddia'i blas)

(The Virtue of the Blood)
      O remove
The cover in this mountain!
Let the bright sun of righteousness shine
  From the top of the hill
        where the Dear Lamb
Suffered under the nails of steel
  From pure love to me in agony.

      Where, where
Do I make my refuge under heaven
But in His divine gash?
  The strong pike which
        went under his breast
Opened a spring to cleanse me -
  I am rejoicing that this is where.

      Yes, there is -
There is virtue and strength
        in the blood of the cross
To completely cleanse
        all the sins of my age:
  His divine anguish and his persistent cry
In prayer for me to the Father
  Is my freedom and my right to heaven.

      Wash me
From my sins, manifold their number
In the bloody river of Calvary
  Which flows today from full merit:
Not ebbing, than it no greater to be seen,
  It shall remain later than
        morning and afternoon.
Where, where :: Where, where :: Where


                - - - - -

      O remove
The covering in this mountain;
Let the bright Sun of righteousness shine
  From the summit of the hill
        where the dear Lamb was
Suffering under the steel nails
  From pure love for me, in pain.

Shall I make my refuge under heaven,
But in his deep wounds?
  The strong spear that
        went under his breast,
Opened a fount to cleanse me;
  I am rejoicing that
        there is room in this.

      A marvellous sound,
There shall yet be about
        the crown of thorns,
The sharp nails, and the slim pike,
While remembering those
        he gets a hellish wound
Fast prisoners went free,
  He won the day, Hosanna evermore.

      Up, up
If we shall come from the desert place,
It will be delightful to sound soon,
  Each in his part praising the Lamb,
In a sweet anthem, a new language,
  At the journey's end
        without wound or pain.
tr. 2008,18 Richard B Gillion
      O rend
The veil that hides the mount, and send
The Sun of righteousness to end
  The night extended
        on the hill,
Whereon the cruel nails He bore -
  'Twas love outpoured, y pain to still.

      O where
Shall I a refuge find but there
Within the wounds that Jesus bore?
  The spear that
        tore so cruelly,
A fount set free to cleanse my sin;
  O joy therein there's room for me!

      Cleanse me
From all my sins which countless be,
In that full stream of Calvary,
  That now flows free in fullest worth,
And shall in undiminished might
  Outlast the nights
        and days of earth.

tr. Rev. Robert Parry.

              - - - - -

      O rend
The veil that hides the mount, and send
The Sun of righteousness to end
  The night extended
        on the hill,
Whereon the cruel nails He bore -
  'Twas love outpoured, y pain to still.

      O where
Shall I a refuge find but there
Within the wounds that Jesus bore?
  The spear that
        tore so cruelly,
A fount set free to cleanse my sin;
  O joy therein there's room for me!

tr. Rev Robert Parry
Cân a Mawl / Song and Praise 1918

see also:

The veil in this dear Mount of love
tr. Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953
Sweet Singers of Wales 1889
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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