O tyr'd [ymlaen / yn mlaen] fy enaid trist

1,2,(4,5,6);  1,3,5,4.
(Swper yr Arglwydd)
O tyr'd ymlaen, fy enaid trist,
I gofio chwerw angeu Crist;
  Fe roes ei hunan yn fy lle,
  A phwy a gofiaf ond Efe?

Fe'i drylliwyd Ef i'n cadw'n fyw,
A chlwyfau'r Oen ein lloches yw;
  Trwy Iawn cymododd
      ni â'i Dad,
  Diolchwn am ei gariad rhad.

Rhyfeddol oedd i'r Oen di-fai,
Gymmeryd cosp yr euog rai;
  Ti gei'r gogoniant, Iesu mawr,
  Byth, byth, am gofio
      llwch y llawr.

Diolchus gôf a fydd o hyd
Am angeu Crist
    tra paro'r byd;
  A chenir am ei loesion Ef,
  I drag'wyddoldeb yn y nef.

Maddeuant sydd trwy'r
    aberth hedd,
Ac arno cawn drag'wyddol wledd;
  A newydd win, ffrwyth cariad rhad,
  Cawn yfed gyda
      Crist a'i Dad.
Peter Jones (Pedr Fardd) 1775-1845

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Gweddi (<1875)
Llawr-y-Glyn (John Ashton 1830-96)
Menai/Playford (Salmydd Playford 1671)
St Cross (John B Dykes 1823-76)

gwelir: Rhyfeddod oedd i'r Oen difai

(The Lord's Supper)
O come on, my sad soul,
To remember the bitter death of Christ;
  He gave himself in my place,
  And whom shall I remember but him?

He was broken to keep us alive,
And the Lamb's wounds our refuge are;
  Through Atonement he reconciled
      us with his Father,
  Let us give thanks for his free love.

His body and his soul on the cross
As sacrifice for our faults he gave;
  And water and blood to wash us white,
  Came from his side on the hill.

Wonderful it was for the faultless Lamb,
To take the punishment of the guilty ones,
  Thou shalt get the glory, great Jesus,
  Forever and ever, for remembering
      the dust of the ground.

Thankful memory there shall be always
For the death of Christ
    while the world endures;
  And his anguish shall be sung about,
  For an eternity in heaven.

Forgiveness there is through the
    sacrifice of peace,
And upon it we may get an eternal feast:
  And new wine, the fruit of free love,
  We may get to drink with
      Christ and his Father.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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