O! tyred, f'Anwylyd, fy Arglwydd yn ddyn, Preswylia mewn teml a g'odaist Dy Hun; Dy lais sy mor beraidd, mor hyfryd Dy wedd, Dy olwg sy'n concro marwolaeth a'r bedd. Ti wnest yma adeilad, trig yno dy Hun, Gwna 'nghalon fod wrthyt bob amser ynglyn Nas gallo na phechod, na Satan, na'r byd Fyth, fyth i wahanu'r hyn glymaist Ti 'nghyd. Yng nghanol pob cystudd rho imi dy law, Nas collwy' mo'r llwybyr tu yma, tu draw; Saf rhyngwy' a'r gelyn bob brywdyr a fydd, Fel na bwyf i ofni ym mhoethder y dydd. O! na'd i mi gwympo, nid ydwyf ond gwan, Bydd rhyngwyf a'r saethau, a chynnal fi i'r lan; Fe'th glwyfwyd di unwaith ar Galfari fry; Oddi yno doed rhyddid yn unig i mi. Ffoed ymaith fy ofnau, finteioedd di-ri'; Rho atsain maddeuant yn eglur i mi, A dysg imi ganu caniadau o glod Am farw ar groedbren tr'o'm tafod mewn bod. Boed côf am y mynydd, boed côf am yr awr, Daeth ffrydiau o ystlys fy Arglwydd i lawr; Gwaed wedi ei gymysgu â dwfr ynghyd, Mwy gwerthfawr bob dafn o hono na'r byd. Boed imi'n hyfrydwch, o foreu hyd nôs, I ganu am gariad a choncwest Ei groes - Gogoniant Ei berson, rhinweddau pob grâs, Trwy boenau ofnadwy yn enill y maes. Gad imi gael heddwch, y perl sy'n fwy drud Na meddiant holl India'r Gorllewin i gyd; Mae gradd o dangnefedd fy Iesu mor fawr, Fe bwysa ei hunan y nefoedd a'r llawr. gariad a choncwest Ei groes :: gariad rhyfeddol dy gro's Ei berson :: dy Berson
Tonau []: |
O come, my Beloved, my Lord as man, Dwell in a temple Thou Thyself raised; Thy voice is so sweet, so delightful Thy face, It is Thy look which is conquering death and the grave. Thou madest here a building, dwell in it thyself, Make my heart connected to thee all the time That neither sin, nor Satan, nor the world, could Ever, ever weaken that which thou didst tie together. In the middle of every affliction give me thy hand, That I do not miss the path, this side, yonder side; Stand between me and the enemy in every battle there shall be, That I fear not in the heat of the day. O do not let me fall, I am only weak, Be between me and the arrows, and hold me up; Thou wast wounded once up on Calvary; From there let freedom only come to me. Let my fears flee away, as innumerable droves; Give the resounding sound of forgiveness clearly to me, And teach me to sing the songs of praise About dying on the wooden cross while ever my tongue shall be. Let there be remembrance of the mountain, let there be remembrance of the hour, When came the streams of the side of my Lord down; Blood mixed together with water, More precious every drop of this than the world. Let it be a delight for me, morning until night, To sing about the love and conquest of His cross - The glory of His person, the merits of every grace, Through terrible pains winning the field. Let me get peace, the pearl that is more costly Than possessing all India of the East altogether; The degree of the peace of my Jesus is so great, It outweighs the heavens and the earth. love and conquest of His cross :: wonderful love of thy cross His person :: thy Person tr. 2016,18 Richard B Gillion |