O Wraig yr Oen gwel gariad Duw

(Yn annog y Saint i weled cariad Duw
yn rhoddi ei Fab i ddioddef drostynt)
O Wraig yr Oen, gwel gariad Duw,
Yn rhoddi ei Fab dros ddynol-ryw!
  Mawr gosb ein bai
      aeth arno fe,
  A'r llid a'i lladdodd
      yn ein lle.

O gwelwn driniaeth Crist ar groes,
O'n hachos ni dan lawer loes;
  Na's gall un tafod angel pur,
  Amgyffred cariad Crist a'i gur.

Fel Oen i'r lladdfa arweiniwyd ef,
Creawdwr mawr y ddaear a'r nef;
  Distewi wnai fel addfwyn oen,
  Er ffyrnig bwys
      uffernol boen.

Nyni yn pechu o'r galon oll,
Nes i ni yn gwbl fynd ar goll;
  Ein Pen i roddi in' ryddhad,
  Collodd o'i galon wirion wa'd.

Mae'n Priod uwchlaw clod ymhell,
Y gallu gwycha' 'r 'wyllys gwell;
  Rhyfeddu byth ei gariad ef,
  I'w gwaith aneirif
      nifer nef.
Amryw Hymnau Dymunol a Phrofiadol (Harri Sion) 1773

[Mesur: MH 8888]

(Encouraging the Saints to see the love of God
in giving his Son to suffer for them)
O Wife of the Lamb, see the love of God,
Giving his Son for human-kind!
  The great punishment of our sin
      went upon him,
  And the wrath that killed him
      in our place.

O let us see Christ's treatment on a cross,
Because of us under many a pang;
  No tongue of a pure angel can
  Grasp the love of Christ and his pain.

Like a Lamb to the slaughter he was led,
The great Creator of the earth and heaven;
  He kept silent like a gentle lamb,
  Despite the fierce weight
      of infernal pain.

We all sinning from the heart,
Until we completely become lost;
  Our Head to give us freedom,
  Shed from his heart innocent blood.

He is a Spouse far above praise,
The most wondrous power of the better will;
  Wondering forever at his love,
  Is the work of the innumerable
      number of heaven.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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