O wynfydedig awr

(Hiraeth am y nef)
  O! wynfydedig awr,
    Pa bryd y daw i ben?
  Cawn esgyn uwch y llawr
    I entrych nefoedd wèn;
A gadael byd y
      cystudd mawr,
O! brysia, brysia ddedwydd awr.

  O! foreu llawn o hedd,
    Mae'n nesu byth yn mlaen,
  Caiff holl garcharau'r bedd
    Eu dryllio'n chwilfriw mân;
Marwolaeth mwy,
      a bedd ni bydd,
Caiff teulu'r nef drag'wyddol ddydd.
Ail Llyfr Tonau ac Emynau 1879

Tôn [666688]: Bangor (New) (Robert Roberts 1840-71)

(Longing for heaven)
  O blessed hour!
    When will it come to pass?
  We may ascend above the ground
    To the vault of bright heaven;
And leave the world of the
      great tribulation,
O hasten, hasten, happy awr!

  O morning full of peace!
    It is approaching ever onward,
  All the prisons of the grave shall get
    Shattered into small smithereens;
Neither death, henceforth,
      nor the grave shall be,
The family of heaven shall get eternal day.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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