Och, faint o niwed i mi wnaeth Fy hen elyniaeth lym! Yn nhrigfan cariad ennyn cas; Gwanychu 'ngras a 'ngrym: Fy ngwneyd yn oer at Frenin nef, Ac at ei deulu anwyl ef; Gan fagu grym cynfigen gref, Peth cas i'w oddef yw. Fy hen elyniaeth drwg yw pen, A thad cynfigen faith; Mi gefais deimlo hwnw, do, Yn gwingo lawer gwaith: O, tor y gwreiddyn trwy rym gras, 'Nawr fel y cwympo'r 'r brigau cas; A dŵg hen elyn i ti'n was, O fewn dy deyrnas fawr. Rwyf gwedi dyall o b'le daeth, Gelyniaeth drwg ei lun; Fe ddaeth yn Eden gynt yn ôl O ddiafol cas i ddyn: Hen wenwyn marwol ysol yw, Ddaeth yn yr Ardd i ddynol-ryw; Ysgarodd rhyngddynt hwy a Duw; Mae heddyw effaith hyn. O lladd yr hen elyniaeth fyw, O'm mewn, fy Nuw, yn awr: O dyro ras i dorri ei rym, Fel cleddyf llym, i'r llawr: A phlanna gariad, fel fflam gref, Yn anian loyw yn ei le, Yn f'enaid llwm, hyn yw fy llef, Y bo ei chartref byth. Duw, lladd yr hen elyniaeth lawn, Anfoddlawn, sy ynof fi; Yn ymgynhyrfu ddydd a nos, Yn erbyn d'achos di; Rhag im' o'r diwedd gyr'edd gwin, Yn llestri'r deml at fy min; Wrth garu blas fy rhagfan blin, Cynnefin chwantau'r cnawd. Llad yr elyniaeth, 'wnaeth i ni Gasau daioni Duw: Ni chaiff anwylaf blant y ne' O'i fodd yn un-lle fyw; Ei ergyd beunydd, yn mhob oes, Sy'n erbyn Iesu Grist a'i groes: A llawer codwm, llawer loes, A roes i'r duwiol rai. O difa'm hen elyniaeth cas, Sy'n erbyn gras fy Nuw; Y mae e beunydd ynwy'n bôd, Mi wn, yn bechod byw: Rho brofi arfau'r nef yn awr, Heb golli eu min a'u gallu mawr Yn torri pen Golia' i lawr Sy'n nychdod mawr i mi. Helaetha di, ein nefol Dad, Derfynau cariad fyth; A thro elyniaeth calon dyn, Rwy'n erfyn, dros ei nyth: Na âd i hwnw fod yn hir Mewn dull fel tân yn ynnill tir, Ag onid ê dy blant, yn wir, A lygir dan ei law. Duw, attal dân gelyniaeth du Rhag mygu yn ein mysg; Neu os ennyna ynom ni, D'allorau di fe'u llysg: Mae yn ei amcan aflan ef Ddiddymu gras, sydd anian gref, A llwyr ddi-fodi Brenin nef; Ni ddioddef ddim sydd dda.Edward Jones 1761-1836 Hymnau &c. ar Amryw Destynau ac Achosion 1810 [Mesur: 8686.8886] |
Oh, how much harm to me did My old keen enmity! In the dwelling of love it got ignited; Weakening my grace and my power: Making me cold toward the King of heaven, And toward his dear family; Nurturing the power of strong jealousy, A detestable thing to suffer it is. My evil old enmity is the head, And father of vast jealousy; I got to feel this, I did, Wincing many a time: O, break the root through grace's power, Now that the detestable twigs may fall; And bring an old enemy to thee as a servant, Within thy great kingdom. I have understood whence came, Enmity of an evil appearance; It came in Eden long ago From a detestable devil to man: A deadly old consuming poison it is, That came in the Garden to human-kind; It alienated them from God; The effect of this is here today. O kill the old living enmity, Within me, my God, now: O give grace to break its power, Like a sharp sword, down to the ground: And plant love, like a strong flame, As a glowing nature in its place, In my bare soul, this is my cry, That there its home may be forever. God, kill the old, full, dissatisfied Enmity, that is in me; Stirring day and night, Against thy cause; Let I, at the end, reach the wine, In the vessels of the temple to my lip; Loving the taste of my grievous prejudice, The habitual lusts of the flesh. Kill the enmity, that made us Hate the goodness of God: The children of heaven may not Contentedly live anywhere; Its daily blow, in every age, Is against Jesus Christ and his cross: And many a fall, many a pang, It gave to the godly ones. O destroy the old detestable enmity, That is against the grace of my God; It is daily in me existing, I know, as living sin: Give an experience of heaven's weapons now, That have not lost their sharp edge or their great power Breaking the head of Goliath down That is a great affliction to me. Extend thou, our heavenly Father, The borders of love forever; And turn the enmity of the heart of man, I implore, over its nest: Do not let this be long Just like a fire gaining ground, Are not thy children, truly, Blighted under its hand. God, stop the fire of black enmity From smouldering amongst us; Or else, if it kindles within us, Thy altars it shall burn: In its unclean purposes there is The abolition of grace, which is strong in nature, And the complete annihilation of the King of heaven; It suffers nothing that is good.tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion |