Ofer iawn mae'r nef ei hunan Yn fy ngheisio i oll i gyd, Tra fo hanner lawn fy nghalon, Mewn rhyw eulyn sy'n y byd; Nattur wrthryfelgar gyndyn, Yn fy nal i yma'n dynn, Tra fo'm henaid gwan am 'hedeg Fynu'n llwyr i Seion Fryn. Ni all ympryd trist a gweddi, Fyn'd yn lân a mi i'r lan, Nac un cylch o ddyledswyddau, 'Nghodi ronyn bach o'r man; Grym y llygredd sy'n fy nghalon, Cryf ac anorchfygol yw, Nid oes fythoedd a'i gorchfyga, Ond yn unig nerth fy Nuw. Pe b'ai bosibl i mi dreuli 'R graig, wrth roi fy ngliniau 'lawr, Gwneud afonydd o fy nagrau, Llanw hefyd foroedd mawr; Rhannu trysor y mynyddau, Rhwng y tlodion ymhob man; Anhaeddiannol eilwaith fyddwn, Fyth o gael fy nghodi i'r lan. Rhed fy enaid i'w gyfeillach, Cynta man y caffech E', Trist yw'm hyspryd wrth ymofyn, Un creadur yn ei le; Blino edrych gylch o gwmpas, Nid oes meddyg ar y don, 'N unig ond tydi dy hunan, Wella'r archoll tan fy mron. Llawn a llawen, iach a diddyg, Wyf pan b'wyf yn teimlo'th hedd; Ond meddylgar iawn ac athrist, Pan b'wy'n ffaelu gwel'd dy wedd; 'Rwy'n diflasu ar y cwbl, Pan na welwy'th wyneb cu, Ond mae'm bywyd im' yn nefoedd, Pan b'wy'n agos attat ti.William Williams 1717-91 Y Môr o Wydr Tôn [8787D]: Trefecca (<1869) |
Very vain is all heaven itself Seeking me altogether, While my heart is half full, In some idol that is in the world; A stubborn, rebellious nature Holding me tightly here, While my weak soul wants to fly Completely up to Zion Hill. Sad fasting and praying cannot Take me wholly up, Nor any round of duties, Raise me a little grain from the place; The force of corruption that is in my heart, Strong and insuperable it is, No eternity shall overcome it, But the strength of my God alone. If it were possible for me to wear out The rock, by going down on my knees, Make rivers of my tears, Flood also great seas; Share the treasure of the mountains, Between the poor in every place; Unworthy again I would be, Forever of getting raised up. Run my soul to his companionship, The first place you can find him, Sad is my spirit while seeking, Any creature in his place; Wearying is looking round about, There is no physician on the wave, Only thou thyself alone, Wilt heal the wound under my breast. Full and joyful, safe and content, Am I when I am feeling thy peace; But very thoughtful and sullen, When I am failing to see thy face; I look interest in it all, When I do not see thy dear face, But my life to me is heaven, When I am close the thee.tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion |