Os yn nheulu Iesu hapus fydda fi

Os yn nheulu Iesu,
    hapus fydda fi,
Mae Ef eto'n galw
    pob rhyw rai fel ni:
  Hapus deulu Iesu
      O! mor ddedwydd fydd
  Cael bod gyda'r teulu
      mewn tragwyddol ddydd.

        O! hapus deulu Iesu,
            dedwydd fyddant hwy,
        Wedi cyrraedd gartref, O mor
            llawn fyddant mwy,
          Yn y nef, yn y nef.

Galw mae Ef beunydd,
    tra mae hi yn ddydd,
I ddodd ato heddyw,
    rhag y llid a fydd;
  Yma yn yr anial,
      dan drallodion mawr,
  Yno yn y Wynfa,
      uwch gofidiau'r llawr.

Os caf ddod at Iesu,
    fry i dŷ fy Nhad,
Yn dragwyddol canaf,
    am faddeuant rhad;
  Ni rhaid ofni marw,
      croesi wnaf yn hy;
  Gan fod Iesu'n disgwyl
      am fy nghwmni fry.

Dedwydd gyda Iesu,
    wedi taith y glyn,
Yn y pur drigfannau
    sydd ar Seion fryn.
Hapus deulu Iesu
      O! mor ddedwydd fydd
  Cael bod gyda'r teulu
      mewn trawgyddol ddydd.
William John Parry 1842-1927

Tôn []: Heulwen
    (Caradog Roberts 1878-1935)

If in the family of Jesus,
    happy shall I be,
He is still calling
    every kind of those like us:
  The happy family of Jesus
      O how happy it shall be
  To get to be with the family
      in eternal day.

        O happy family of Jesus,
            happy shall they be,
        Having arrived home, O how
            joyful they shall be evermore,
          In heaven, in heaven.

Calling he is daily,
    while it is day,
To come to him today,
    from the wrath that shall be;
  Here in the desert,
      under great tribulations,
  There in Paradise,
      above the griefs of earth below.

If I get to come to Jesus,
    up to my Father's house,
Eternally I shall sing,
    about gracious forgiveness;
  There is no need to fear dying,
      I shall cross boldly;
  Since Jesus is waiting
      for my company above.

Happy with Jesus,
    after the journey of the vale,
In the pure dwellings
    that are on Zion hill.
  The happy family of Jesus
      O how happy it shall be
  To get to be with the family
      in eternal day.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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