Oddiar fy llygaid aeth y llen

And now the scales have left mine eyes

(Ein Pechod yr Achos o Farwolaeth Crist)
Oddiar fy llygaid aeth y llen,
  Ce's olwg amgen wedi'n
Ar fy mhechodau a'u gwaith drwg:
  Pa fyrddwyr mawr ddrwg ydyn'.

Ai dyma'r bradwyr, Arglwydd cu,
  A'th ddrylliodd di'n ddi-ffafar?
A hoeliodd dy ddwylaw a'th draed,
  Ne's llifo'th waed i'r ddaear?

Ai am y drygau wnaethum i
  Fy Arglwydd cu a laddwyd?
Cyfiawnder ddaliodd un Mab Duw,
  A'i enaid gwiw gystuddiwyd.

Duw'r heddwch maddeu mhechod i,
  Ni chlwyfaf di ond hynny:
O'm calon ewch bechodau mwy,
  Gan's Iesu wy'n ei garu.

Rho nefol arfau im', fy Ior,
  O'th raslawn drysor uchod:
Cyhoeddaf ryfel yn fy myw,
  Yn erbyn pob rhyw bechod.
cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77
Hymnau a Chaniadau Ysprydol 1775

[Mesur: MS 8787]

gwelir: Ai am y drwg a wneuthym i?

(Our Sin the Cause of Christ's Death)
From my eyes went the curtain,
  I got a second look then
At my sins and their evil work:
  What great, evil murderers they are.

Is this the betrayer, dear Lord,
  Who broke thee ruthlessly?
And nailed thy hands and thy feet,
  Until thy blood flowed to the ground?

Was it for the evils I did
  That my dear Lord was slain?
The one Son of God paid righteousness,
  And his worthy soul was afflicted.

The God of peace forgive my sin,
  I shall not wound thee but this:
From my heart go, ye sins henceforth,
  Since Jesus I am loving.

Give heavenly weapons to me, my Master,
  From thy gracious treasure above,
I will announce war in my life,
  Against every kind of sin.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion
(Our Sin the Cause of Christ's Death)
And now the scales have left mine eyes,
  Now I begin to see:
Oh the cursed deeds my sins have done!
  What murderous things they be!

Were these the traitors, dearest Lord,
  That Thy fair body tore?
Monsters, that stained those heav'nly limbs
  With floods of crimson gore!

Was it for crimes that I had done
  My dearest Lord was slain,
When justice seized God's only Son,
  And put His soul to pain?

Forgive my guilt, O Prince of peace,
  I'll wound my God no more;
Hence from my heart, ye sins, begone,
  For Jesus I adore.

Furnish me, Lord, with heav'nly arms
  From grace's magazine,
And I'll proclaim eternal war
  With every darling sin.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748

Tune [CM 8686]: Dunfermline (Scottish Psalter 1615)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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