O Arglwydd grasol trugarha

(Dymchwelyd Teyrnas Satan)
O Arglwydd grasol, trugarha,
  A symud bla y gwledydd;
Darostwng falchder calon dyn,
 A nwydau'r
     blin orthrymydd;
A dysg genhedloedd byd o'r bron
I rodio'n isel ger dy fron;
  Iôr union, bydd arweinydd.

Mae'r nos yn ddu, a ninnau 'mhell,
  A throm yw'r fflangell arnom;
Crwydrasom i'r anialwch maith
  A'th gyfraith wrthadasom;
O Arglwydd, maddau inni cyd
Gymylu d'enw 'ngŵydd y byd,
  A dod dy Ysbryd ynom.

Aed golau'r groes
    a'r nefol ddydd
  Drwy wledydd daear lydan,
A phrofer rhin
    Efengyl wiw
  Yn allu duw ei hunan;
Doed holl genhedloedd
    daear las
I gyd-ddyrchafu baner gras
  A dymchwel teyrnas Satan.
John T Job 1867-1938
Yr Efengylydd 1917

Tonau [87.87.887]:
  Dettingen (Hen alaw 15fed ganrif)
Dies Irae (Joseph Parry 1841-1903)
  Hendre Owen / Stettin (Geistliche Lieder 1539)

(Satan's Kingdom Demolished)
O gracious Lord, have mercy,
  And remove the scourge of the nations;
dubdue the pride of the heart of man,
  And the passions of the
      grievous oppressor;
And teach the nations of the world entirely
To travel humbly before thee;
  Just Master, be leader.

The night is black, and we are remote,
  And heavy is the whip upon us;
We wandered into the vast desert
  And we clashed with thy law;
O Lord, forgive us though we
Obscure thy name before the world,
  And put thy Spirit in us.

May the light of the cross
    and the heavenly day go
  Through the lands of the wide earth,
And may the virtue of
    the worthy Gospel be proved
  In God's own might;
May all the generations of
    the blue-green earth come
To exalt together the banner of grace
  And demolish the kingdom of Satan.
tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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