O Arglwydd grasol bydd o'm plaid

O Arglwydd grasol, bydd o'm plaid
Ym mhob gwasgfeuon fel bo rhaid:
  Rho'th Ysbryd Sanctaidd imi'n sêl
  Ym mhob troeadau, doed a ddêl.

'Rwy'n hollol dlawd, heb feddu dim,
Dy nerth anfeidrol yw fy ngrym,
  A'th bur ffyddlondeb,
      sydd heb drai,
  Wna hyd y diwedd im barhau.

Ac yna aed y nef ar dân
A'r ddaear fawr yn ulw mân:
  Nid ofna'i'r
      drygau mwyaf sy
  Tra'm haddfwyn Iesu gyda mi.
1787 William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [NH 8888]: Uffingham (Jeremiah Clarke c.1673-1707)

O gracious Lord, be on my side
In all tight places as there may be need:
  Give thy Holy Spirit to me as a seal
  In all turns, come what may.

I am wholly poor, possessing nothing,
Thy immeasurable strength is my force,
  And thy pure faithfulness,
      which is without retreat,
  Will make me endure to the end.

And then let the heaven go on fire
And the great earth to fine ashes:
  I will not fear the greatest
      evils there are
  while my gentle Jesus is with me.
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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