O Arglwydd Ior anfeidrol yw

1,(2,3),4a,5,6;  1,4b,6.
(Cariad Duw / Clodfori am yr Iawn)
O Arglwydd Ior, anfeidrol yw
Dy gariad rhad at ddynolryw,
  Yn rhoi dy anwyl Fab dy hun
  I farw dros bechodau dyn.

Fe dalodd Iesu'n dyled mawr,
Trwy ddiodde'r llīd
    rhwng nef a llawr;
  O dan ei fron
      daeth dw'r a gwaed
  A meddyginiaeth ynddo gaed.

Maddeuant rhād yr Iesu a roes,
Pan oedd e'n marw ar y groes;
  Agorodd ef pan rwygai'r llen,
  Holl euraidd byrth y nefoedd wen.

Nis gall angylion
    nef i nef,
Fynegu maint ei gariad Ef,
  Na'u holl ganiadau draethu ma's
  Anfeidrol ddyfnder dwyfol ras.

[Ni all angylion nef i gyd
 Fynegu maint dy gariad drud,
   Ni all holl ganiadau draethu maes
   Anfeidrol ddyfnder dwyfol ras.]

Golch ni o Dduw yn ngwaed yr Oen,
A'th heddwch pur iachā ein poen;
  Glanā ni'n llwyr, a gwrando'n llef,
  A'th foli wnawn fyth yn y nef.

Rhoed pob rhyw enaid dan y rhod
I'th enw mawr gynhesol glod;
  I'r Oen a'n prynodd ar y pren
  Y byddo moliant byth - Amen.
Diferion y Cyssegr 1804
efel. J Hughes o emyn M Rhys

Tōn [MH 8888]:
Winchester (New) (Bartholomäus Crasselius 1667-1724)

gwelir: O Arglwydd Ior andfeidrol yw [8886D]

(The Love of God / Praising for the Atonement)
O Sovereign Lord, immeasurable is
Thy free love towards humankind,
  Giving thy own beloved Son
  To die for the sins of man.

Jesus paid our great debt,
Through suffering the wrath
    between heaven and earth;
  From under his breast
      came water and blood
  And treatment is had in him.

Free forgiveness Jesus gave,
When he was dying on the cross;
  He opened, when tearing the curtain,
  All the golden portals of bright heaven.

Not all the angels of the
    heaven of heaven, can
Express the extent of His love,
  Nor can all their songs set out
  The immeasurable depth of divine grace.

[Not all the angels of heaven can
 Express the extent of thy precious love,
   Not all songs can set out
   The immeasurable depth of divine grace.]

Wash us, O God, in the blood of the Lamb,
With thy pure peace heal our pain;
  Cleanse us completely, and hear our cry,
  And praise thee we shall forever in heaven.

Let every kind of soul under the sky give
To thy great name, warm acclaim;
  To the Lamb who redeemed us on the tree
  Be praise forever - Amen.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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