O Arglwydd lladd fy lleiddiaid

(Syniad Cywir am y Drindod)
O Arglwydd, lladd fy lleiddiaid,
  Sy'n haid o fewn fy nhŷ;
Sef holl drachwantau 'nghalon,
  Mae o'm gelynion - lu;
Y diffrwyth dylwyth diles,
  O fewn fy mynwes maent;
Pe na f'ai gras y trecha',
 Diau fy nifa wnaent.

Rho im' feddyliau union,
  Mwy tirion, am y Tād;
Ac am yr Iesu hefyd,
  Sy'n rhoddi bywyd rhad;
Ac am yr Ysbryd nefol,
  Y Person dwyfol da,
Yr hwn oddiwrth fy mhechod
  Yn hynod a'm glanhā.

O Arglwydd, clwyfa 'nghalon,
  Wrth gofio'r Person pur,
A gollodd waed ei galon
  O dan yr hoelion dur;
A'i gefn yn gŵysau hirion,
  Yn cario'i greulon groes;
Fy mhleser boed am dano
  'N myfyrio drwy fy oes.

Wrth gofio'r Gŵr fu'n dyodde'
  O dan ddyrnodiau'r Ne',
Ar wedd pechadur euog,
  Trwm-lwythog yn ei le, -
Ei draed a'i ddwylaw'n ddolur,
  A'i ystlys bur dan boen,
O na chawn galon ddrylliog
  I gofio'r enwog Oen.

Fy enaid, na ddychymyg,
  Mae'n beryg', rhag dy boen,
Am lūn y Tād, na'r Ysbryd,
  Na'r Mab, a elwid Oen,
Sef am y Gair tragwyddol,
  Anfeidrol, bythol, byw, -
Tri Pherson gogoneddus
  Yn un daionus Dduw.

Dos beunydd at y Bible
  Yn syml er llesād,
Gwel beth a ddywed hwnw
  Yw delw'r nefol Dād;
Ac am y Gair a'r Ysbryd,
  'R un ffunud, gyda phwyll, -
Fe ddengys hwnwn hynod
  Y Duwdod yn ddidwyll.

O! dyro'r ffydd ddiffodda
  Bob saeth a fedda'r fall,
Ffydd a orchfyga hefyd
  O hyd y byd heb ball,
Y ffydd a bura'r galon
  Oddiwrth ei blinion blâ,
A chydio mewn Iachawdwr,
  O'm llwgr a'm gwellâ.
Edward Jones 1761-1836
Caniadau Maes y Plwm 1857

[Mesur: 7676D]

(The True Idea of the Trinity)
O Lord, kill my slayers,
  Who are a infestation within my house;
That is, all the lusts of my heart,
  There is of my enemies - a host;
The fruitless, unprofitable tribe
  Within my bosom they are;
If grace were not going to overcome them,
  Doubtless they would destroy me.

Grant me upright thoughts,
  More tender, about the Father;
And about Jesus also,
  Who is giving free life;
And about the heavenly Spirit,
  The good, divine Person,
He from my sins
  Remarkably shall cleanse me.

O Lord, wound my heart,
  On remembering the pure Person,
Who shed the blood of his heart
  Under the steel nails;
With his back as long furrows,
  Carrying his cruel cross;
My my pleasure be about it
  Meditating throughout my life.

On remembering the Man who has suffered
  Under the blows of Heaven,
In the form of a guilty sinner,
  Heavily-laden in his place, -
His feet and his hands in agony,
  And his pure side in pain,
Oh that we might get a broken heart
  To remember the famous Lamb.

My soul, do not imagine,
  It is perilous, because of thy pain,
The picture of the Father, nor the Spirit,
  Nor the Son, who is called Lamb,
That is, the Word eternal,
  Immeasurable, everlasting, alive, -
Three glorious Persons
  In one beneficient God.

Go daily to the Bible
  Simply for benefit,
See what this says
  Is the image of the heavenly Father;
And about the Word and the Spirit,
  The same minute, with prudence, -
This will show remarkably
  The Godhead sincerely.

Oh, grant the faith which will extinguish
  Every arrow belonging to the evil one,
Faith shall overcome also
  All along the world without failing,
The faith which purifies the heart
  From its grievous plague,
And takes hold of a Saviour,
  From my corruption and heals me.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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