O Argwlydd, medd fy esgyrn i, Pwy sydd fel ti'n Waredydd? Ti rhag ei drech waredi'r gwan, A'r truan rhag yspeilydd. O'th nefoedd gwelaist, Arglwydd cu, Mor lidiog fu 'ngelynion; Na thaw, O Dduw, na saif yn mhell, Bydd i'm yn gyfaill cyson. Minnau â'm tafod, Arglwydd Ner, Am dy gyfiawnder traethaf: Ac am dy foliant nos a dydd, Ag enaid rhydd y canaf.Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623 Y Caniadydd 1841 [Mesur: MS 8787] |
O Lord, say my bones, Who is like thee as a Deliverer? Thou from his oppression deliverest the weak, And the wretched from the predator. From thy heaven thou didst see, dear Lord, How wrathful was my enemy; Be not silent, O God, do not stand afar, Be to me a constant friend! As for me, with my tongue, Sovereign Lord, About thy righteousness I will expound: And about thy praise night and day, With a free soul I will sing.tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion |
10 My very bones shall say, O Lord, who can compare with thee, Who sett'st the poor and helpless man from strong oppressors free? 22 But thou, who dost both them and me with righteous eyes survey, Assert my innocence, O Lord, and keep not far away. 28 So shall my tongue thy judgments sing, inspired with grateful joy; And cheerful hymns in praise of thee shall all my days employ.N Tate & N Brady A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696 |