(1) O Arglwydd! na cherydda fi Yn mhoethni dy gynddaredd; Ac na chosba fi yn dy lid, O blegid fy anwiredd. (2a) O Arglwydd! dy drugaredd dôd, Wyf lesg mewn nychdod beunydd; O Arglwydd! tyr'd, iachâ fi'n chwyrn, Mae f'esgyrn oll mewn cystudd. (2b) [O trugarha, fy Arglwydd, 'rwyf Yn curio trwy fy ngofid; Mae f'esgyrn briw, a'm cnawd, bob cam, Yn gwaeddi am dy iechyd.] (3) Gan bwys fy mai, a baich fy nghur, Yr wyf yn bur ofidus; O Dduw, pa hyd ymguddi di, A'm henaid i'n drallodus? (4) Duw, gwared f'enaid, dychwel di, Iachâ fi â'th drugaredd; Nid oes yn angeu gôf na hawl; A phwy a'th fawl o'r pridd-fedd? (5) Yr Arglywydd, clybu ef fy arch, Rhof finnau barch a moliant; Fe dderbyn weddi'r tlawd a'i waedd, Am hyn fe haedd ogoniant. fe haedd :: yr haedd
Tonau [MS 8787]:
gwelir: |
(1) O Lord, do not chastise me In the heat of thy wrath; Nor punish me in thy anger, Because of my falsehood! (2a) O Lord, let thy mercy come! I am faint in languor daily; O Lord, come, heal me swiftly, All my bones are in affliction. (2b) [O have mercy, my Lord! I am Wasting away through my grief; My broken bones, and my flesh, are every step, Shouting for thy healing.] (3) With the weight of my fault, and the burden of my beating, I am purely vexed; O God, how long wilt thou hide thyself, While my soul is troubled? (4) God, deliver my soul, return, Heal me with thy mercy; In death there is no memory or claim; And who will praise thee from the grave? (5) The Lord, he heard my entreaty, As for me, I will render honour and praise; He will receive the prayer of the poor and his shout, For this he deserves glory. :: tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion |
1 Thy dreadful anger, Lord, restrain, and spare a wretch forlorn; Correct me not in thy fierce wrath, too heavy to be borne. 2 Have mercy, Lord, for I grow faint, unable to endure, The anguish of my aching bones, which thou alone can cure. [2 Have mercy, Lord, for I grow faint, unable to endure, The anguish of my aching bones, which thou alone can cure.] 3 My tortured flesh distracts my mind, and fills my soul with grief; But, Lord, how long will thou delay to grant me thy relief? 4 Thy wonted goodness, Lord, repeat, and ease my troubled soul; Lord, for thy wondrous mercy's sake vouchsafe to make me whole. 5 For after death no more can I thy glorious acts proclaim; No pris'ner of the silent grave can magnify thy name. 9 He hears and grants my humble pray'r; and they that wish my fall, 10 Shall blush and rage to see that God protects me from them all.
N Tate & N Brady |