O Arglwydd na cherydda fi (Salm 38)

(Salm XXXVIII - Euogrwydd cydwybod,
a gweddi am faddeuant cyn marw.)
O Arglwydd! na cherydda fi,
  Yn mhoethni dy gynddaredd;
Ni ddial arnaf yn dy lid,
  Oblegid fy anwiredd.

Aeth f'anwireddau hyd y nen,
  A thros fy mhen tyfasant;
Unwedd a baich rhy drwm o bwys,
  Yn ddwys y'm cystuddiasant.

Clyw, Arglwydd, fi; herwydd o'th flaen,
  Yn hollol mae 'nymuniad;
Ni chuddiwyd mo'm hochenaid i,
  Odd'wrthyt ti, fy Ngheidwad.

Gwael a thruenus wyf' yn wir,
  Mewn dolur hir yn poeni;
A chyfiawn yw, addefaf hyn,
  Fy mhechod sy'n ei beri.

Salm xxxix.13.
Teilynga, Arglwydd, fy nghryfhâu, Cyn darfod dyddiau mywyd; Bydded i mi cyn myn'd i'm bedd, Fwynhâu dy hêdd mewn hawddfyd.
Salmau a Hymnau (Casgliad R Ellis) 1817

[Mesur: MS 8787]

(Psalm 38 - A guilty conscience, and
a prayer for forgiveness before dying.)
O Lord! do not chastise me,
  In the heat of thy wrath;
Do not requite me in thy anger,
  Because of my falsehood.

My falsehoods went as far as the sky,
  And over my head they grew;
Just like a burden too heavy of weight,
  Intently they afflicted me.

Hear, Lord, me; because before thee,
  Completely is my request;
My groans are not hidden,
  From thee, my Saviour.

Poor and wretched am I truly,
  In long sadness grieving;
And righteous is, I admit this,
  My sin that is causing it.

Psalm 39:13.
Be worthy, Lord, to strengthen me, Before the days of my life vanish; May I, before I go to my grave, Enjoy thy peace in blessedness.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion
 1 Thy chast'ning wrath, O Lord, restrain, 
     though I deserve it all;
   Nor let at once on me the storm
     of thy displeasure fall.

 4 My sins, that to a deluge swell,
     my sinking head o'erflow,
   And for my feeble strength to bear
     too vast a burden grow.

15 For, Lord, to thee I do appeal,
     my innocence to clear;
   assured that thou, the righteous God,
     my injured cause wilt hear.

17 And, with continual grief oppressed,
     to sink I now begin
18 To thee, O Lord, I will confess,
     to thee bewail my sin.

Psal. XXXIX.
13 O spare me yet a little time, my wasted strength restore; Before I vanish quite from hence, and shall be seen no more.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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