O Arglwydd! pa fath bleser sy

(Llawenychu yn Nuw)
O Arglwydd! pa fath bleser sy
Yn awr gan y nefolaidd lu,
  Pan mae dyferion bychain iawn
  Yn rhoddi'n henaid llesg yn llawn!

Pan byddom ni yn cael mwynhâd
O'r pethau brynwyd â dy waed,
  Mae'r amser yn myn'd heibio'n glau
  Dan ganu a than lawenhau.

Ond os troi di dy wyneb pur,
A chuddio'r haul ddisgleirwen glir,
  Mae galar, gruddfan trist, a gwae,
  Yn cario'r dydd ar lawenhau.

O beth i'r llall cyrwydro wnawn,
Heb gael llonyddwch fore a nawn;
  Rho, Iesu, 'th gariad i ni'n rhodd,
  Ac yna byddwn wrth ein bodd.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MH 8888]:
    Beza (<1869)
    Lancaster (<1869)

(Rejoicing in God)
O Lord, what pleasure now
Have the heavenly host!
  When there are very small drops
  Making my feeble soul full!

Whenever we get enjoyment
Of the things purchased with thy blood,
  The time goes past swiftly
  While smiling and while rejoicing.

But if thou turn thy pure face,
And hide the clear, shining sun,
  There is mourning, sad groaning, and woe,
  Carrying the day over rejoicing.

We wander from one thing to another,
Without getting peace morning and evening;
  Give, Jesus, thy love to us as a gift,
  And then we shall be satisfied.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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