Cwyno rhag traha yr annuwiol.) O Arglwydd! pam y sefi di Oddiwrthym ni cyn belled? Pam yr ymguddi di a'th rym, Pan ydym mewn caethiwed. Yr annuwiol ni chais Dduw NER, (Mae ef i'w falchder cyfuwch) Ni chred ef, ac ni feddwl, fod Un fath awdurdod goruwch. Yn ei galon, d'wedodd am Dduw, Nad ydyw yn gofiadur; Cuddiodd ei wyneb, ac ni wêl Pa beth a wnêl crëadur. Cyfod, Arglwydd, dercha dy law, Dy fod i'n cofiaw dangos; Ac nac anghofia, pan fo rhaid, Dy weiniaid a'th werinos. Duw, gweddi'r gwan a glywaist di, Ac a gysuri'r galon: Tro eilwaith atom y glust dau, A chlyw weddïau ffyddlon. Tro eilwaith atom y gust dau :: Tor'th glustiau eilwaith atom ni Tôn: Beaumaris (<1835) |
Complaint against the haughtiness of the ungodly) O Lord, why standest thou So far away from us? Why hidest thou thyself and thy power, When we are in captivity? The ungodly does not seek God the LORD, (His pride is so elevated) He does not believe, and does not think, that there is Any kind of supreme authority. In his heart, he said of God, He is not a recorder; He covered his face, and will not see Whatever a creature may do. Arise, Lord, lift up thy hand, That I be remembering a showing; And do thou not forget, when there be need, Thy servants and thy people. God, the prayer of the weak thou hast heard, And wilt comfort the heart: Turn again to us the two ears, And hear the faithful prayers. Turn again to us the two ears :: Turn thy ears again to us |
nbsp; Thy presence why withdraw'st thou, Lord? why hid'st thou now thy face, When dismal times of deep distress call for thy wonted grace? To own a pow'r above themselves their haughty pride disdains; And therefore in their stubborn mind no thought of God remains. For God, they think, no notice takes of their unrighteous deeds; He never minds the suff'ring poor, nor their oppression heeds. But thou, O Lord, at length arise; stretch forth thy mighty arm; And, by the greatness of thy pow'r, defend the poor from harm. Thou dost the humble suppliants hear that to thy throne repair; Thou first prepar'st their hearts to pray, and then accept'st their pray'r. A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696 |