O Arglwydd tyrd i'n plîth

(Wrth dechreu addoliad)
  O Arglwydd, tyrd i'n plîth,
    A Rho dy fendith râd;
Pob peth sy'n angen arnom ni,
    Mae genyt ti, ein Tâd:
  Mae cryfder genyt ti,
    I'w roddi i'r di-rym,
A nerth rhag ofn diffygio'i ffŷdd,
    I'r llesg, ar dywydd llym.

  O tyred ti, ein Tâd,
    A rho ddatguddiad rhŷdd
O'r Iesu mawr, yn awr i ni,
    Er gwîr hyfforddi'n ffŷdd;
  Fel rhoddo pawb eu pwys,
    Yn gymmwys, ar y Gair,
Sef d'anwyl Fâb, dy gyd-râdd di,
    A'n Meichiau ni, o Mair.

  Lle byddo dau neu dri,
    I dy addoli'n dôd,
Ti a addawaist yn ddiau,
    Y byddit dithau'n bôd
  Dy hunan yn eu plith,
    Yn rho'i dy fendith râd;
Cyflawna hyny yr awr hon
    I ninnau, dirion Dâd.

  Mae yma ddau neu dri,
    O honom ni yn awr,
Yn dysgwyl i ti ddo'd i'n plîth,
    I ro'i dy fendith fawr;
  A'n sail i ddysgwyl sydd,
    Oherwydd it' dy hun,
Ro'i addewidion dwysion, da,
    Erioed sy'n parâ'r un.

  Rho glywed gair o'n hôl,
    Yn nerthol ddweyd i ni,
Hon ydy'r ffordd i deyrnas Duw;
    Dowch, heddyw rhodiwch hi:
  Rhag i ni yma a thraw,
    Droi ar un llaw o'n lle,
Ond cerdded canol lwybrau barn,
    Yn gadarn gydâg e'.

  Dy Ysbryd, Iesu da,
    F'o'n aros gydâ ni,
I'n tywys beunydd hyd y bêdd,
    I dy wirionedd di:
  Rhag i ni ŵyro'n gâs,
    O ffordd dy deyrnas di,
Na gwneuthur achos chwaith i'r byd,
    Na neb, ein herlid ni.

  Rho brofi mewn iawn bryd,
    Awdurdod d'Ysbryd di,
Yn effeithioli'r gair i gyd,
    I'n llwyr gyfnewid ni:
  A'n codi o feddiant caeth,
    Yr hên farwolaeth wael:
A'th ddelw'n ol, drwy unol drefn,
    Gâd in' drachefn ei chael.

  Y weinidogaeth fawr,
    Bendithia'n awr i ni;
Gâd i ni brofi ar ein taith,
    Ei grym a'i heffaith hi,
  Yn marwhâu o hyd,
    Ein chwantau ynfyd iawn,
Ac yn bywhâu'n heneidiau ni,
    I'th ddewis di a'th ddawn.

  'R y'm yma lawer gwaith,
    Yn teimlo effaith tôst,
Ofn angeu loes,
      i'n tòri lawr,
    Sy'n hynod fawr ei fôst;
  Ond henffych ddedwydd ddŷdd,
    Y cawn yn rhŷdd ein rhoi
Mewn gwlâd nad ofnwn angau hyll,
    Na ffrewyll i'n cyffroi.

  Mae henwau'r nefol hâd,
    Yn llyfr eu Tâd yn llawn;
A'r diwrnod sydd yn agosâu,
    Cawn wel'd ein henwau'n iawn
  Ar y ddwy-froneg fry,
    Gan Iesu'n ddigon iâch;
Heb un yn nghôll, daw pawb ynghyd,
    O'r byd 'mhen gronyn bâch.
Hymnau ar Amryw Destynau ac Achosion 1820
(Casgliad Edward Jones 1761-1836)

[Mesur: MBD 6686D]

(At the beginning of worship)
  O Lord, come amongst us,
    And give thy gracious blessing;
Everything we need,
    Thou hast, our Father:
  There is strength with thee,
    To give to the weak,
And power lest his faith fail,
    For the feeble, over harsh weather.

  O come thou, our Father,
    And give a free revelation
Of the great Jesus, now to us,
    Truly to train our faith;
  That all may lean,
    Entirely, on the Word,
That is thy dear Son, thine own equal,
    And our Surety, from Mary.

  Where there be two or three,
    Coming to worship thee,
Thou hast promised without doubt,
    Thou too wouldst be
  Thyself in their midst,
    Giving thy gracious blessing;
Fulfill this now
    Even to us, tender Father.

  There are here two or three,
    Of us how,
Waiting for thee to come amongst us,
    To give thy great blessing;
  And our basis for expecting is,
    Because thou thyself,
Gave deep, good promises,
    Which ever remain the same.

  Grant the hearing of a word after us,
    In the strength of telling, to us,
This is the way to the kingdom of God;
    Come ye, today walk it:
  Lest we hither and yon,
    Turn on one hand from our place,
But walk the centre of sensible paths,
    Firmly with him.

  Thy Spirit, good Jesus,
    Be staying with us,
To lead us daily as far as the grave,
    To thy truth:
  Lest we deviate badly,
    From the road of thy kingdom,
Neither give the world any cause,
    Nor anyone, to persecute us.

  Give an experience in good time,
    Of the authority of thy Spirit,
To make effective all the word,
    To completely change us:
  And raise us from captivity of the old,
      Bad mortality's possession:
With thy image back, through a united plan,
    Let us get it back again.

  The great ministry,
    Bless now to us;
Let us experience on our journey,
    It's force and its effect,
  Always mortifying,
    Our very mad lusts,
And enlivening our souls,
    To choose thee and thy gift.

  We are here many a time,
    Feeling the sore effect
Of the fear of mortal anguish,
      to break us down,
    With its remarkably great boast;
  But hail happy day,
    When we may freely get put
In a land where no fear of ugly death,
    Nor scourge disturbs us.

  The names of the heavenly seed, are
    Fully in the book of their Father;
And the day is drawing near, when
    We may see our names aright
  On the breastplate above,
    By Jesus sufficiently safe;
Without any lost, all will come together,
    From the world in a little while.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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