O blentyn bydd eirwir er syrthio i fai

(Colofnau Cymeriad)
O blentyn, bydd eirwir;
    er syrthio i fai,
Cyfaddef y trosedd
    wna'r cerydd yn llai:
  O pryn y gwirionedd,
      ni wnaeth pa mor ddrud;
  Bydd iti yn elw,
      mwy gwerthfawr na'r byd.

O blentyn, bydd onest,
    yn gyhoedd, a chudd;
Daw'r weithred ddirgelaidd
    i'r amlwg rhyw ddydd:
  Dy Dad yn y dirgel
      sy'n gweled o hyd,
  Gwobrwya onestrwydd
      yngolwg y byd.

O blentyn, bydd ffyddlon;
    na chyffwrdd, un pryd,
Â'r cwpan dinistriol
    sy'n damnio y byd:
  Ond rhodia y llwybrau
      sy'n foddlawn gan Dduw,
  A chei, yn y diwedd,
      fynd ato i fyw.
W Evans Jones (Penllyn) 1854–1938

Tôn []: Callestr (John Ellis 1750-1834)

(Pillars of Character)
O Children, be truthful;
    despite falling into a fault,
Confessing the transgression
    makes the rebuke less:
  Oh purchase the truth,
      no matter how costly;
  It will be a profit to you,
      more valuable than the world.

O Children, be honest,
    openly, and privately;
The secret deed will come
    to light some day:
Thy Father in secret
      is always seeing,
  Honesty will reward
      in the sight of the world.

O children, be faithful;
    do not touch, once,
The destructive cup
    which is condemning the world:
  But walk the paths
      which are pleasing to God,
  And thou shalt get, in the end,
      to go to him to live.
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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