1,2,3,4; 1,2,5. O bob hyfrydwch, nos a dydd, Dy gariad Iesu'n bennaf sydd; Y fendith fwyaf yn y byd, A delw hardda' nefoedd glyd. Pob gwên o'th wyneb siriol sydd Yn tanio'n serch yn llonni'n ffydd; Pob hanes am dy ras a'th gur, A'th enw, sy'n hyfrydwch pur. Pan fyddi'n cuddio'th wyneb hael, A ni, dan wylo'n ceisio'th gael, Mae pleser dan y poenfawr bwn, A dagrau'n fêl mewn gwaith fel hwn. Er hyn, O Dduw! na thrig ymhell, Cael gweld dy wedd sydd lawer gwell; Gwell gweld ein Hargwlydd yn ein plith Rhydd Ef fendithion rif y gwlith. Tra gallwyf byth adandlu a byw, Moliannu wnaf fy Iesu gwiw; O eithaf nef i uffern drist Does neb i mi fel Iesu Grist.
Joseph Harris (Gomer) 1773-1825 - - - - - O bob hyfrydwch, nos a dydd, Dy gariad Iesu'n bennaf sydd; Cans dyma drysor mwya'r byd, A rhodd berffeithia'r nefoedd glyd. Pob gwên o'th ŵyneb sirio sydd Yn tanio'n serch, yn llonni'n ffydd; Pob hanes am dy ras a'th gur, A'th enw, sy'n hyfrydwch pur. Pan fyddi'n cuddio d'ŵyneb hael, A ni dan ŵylo am dy gael, Mae pleser dan y poenfawr bwn, A dagrau'n fêl mewn gwaith fel hwn. O! Dduw, ein Tad, na chadw draw, Yn nhroeon byd bydd Di gerllaw; Rho in dy weled yn ein plith Yn rhoi bendithion rif y gwlith.Joseph Harris (Gomer) 1773-1825 (arallwyd | altered) Y Llawlyfr Moliant Newydd 1956-74
Tonau [MH 8888]: |
Of every love, night and day, Thy love, Jesus, is the chief; The greatest blessing in the world, And the most beautiful image of the secure heavens. Every smile from thy cheerful face is Kindling affecton, cheering faith; Every story about thy grace and thy pain, And thy name, is delightfully pure. When thou art hiding thy generous face, And we, weeping seeking thy generosity, There is pleasure under the enormous blow, And tears as honey in work like this. Despite this, O God, do not remain afar, To get to see thy face is much better; Better to see our Lord in our midst He will give blessings numerous as the dew. While ever I can breathe and live, Praise I shall my worthy Jesus; From the utmost heaven to sad hell There is no-one for me like Jesus Christ.
- - - - - Of every delight, night and day, Thy love, Jesus, is the chief; Since here is the greatest treasure of the world, And the most perfect gift of the secure heavens. Every smile from thy face is cheering Kindling affection, cheering our faith; Every story about thy grace and thy pain, And thy name, which is pure delight. When thou art hiding thy generous face, And we are weeping to get thee, There is pleasure under the painful burden, And tears as honey in work like this. O God, our Father, do not keep away! In the turns of the world be Thou at hand! Grant us to see thee in our midst Giving blessings numerous as the dew.tr. 2016,19 Richard B Gillion |