O buraf orfoledd pob oes

(Cofio Angau'r Groes)
O! buraf orfoledd pob oes,
  Dy angau yw bywyd ein cân;
Wrth gofio am
    aberth y groes
  Enynnodd ein calon yn dân.
Mae'n henaid, yn llawnder y wledd,
  Yn gorffwys mewn hedd arnat Ti;
O! Geidwad, pan welwn dy wedd
  Daw llesmair o
      wynfyd i ni.

Dy gariad angerddol at fyd,
  A'th ddug Di i Galfari fryn,
Dry'n fywyd eneidiau o hyd,
  Dry'n aberth drwy'r
      oesoedd fel hyn
Cael ynom dy fywyd dy Hun
  Yn angau, ein Brenin, fo'n braint;
Trwy farw o gariad at ddyn,
  Cei fyw mewn
      myrddiynau o saint.
John Jenkins (Gwili) 1872-1936

Tôn [88.88D]:
Llangristiolus (Joseph Parry 1841-1903)

(Remembering the Death of the Cross)
O purest jubilation of every age!
  Thy death is the life of our song;
While remembering the
    sacrifice of the cross
  That kindled our souls on fire.
Our soul, in the fullness of the feast,
  Is resting in peace upon Thee;
O Saviour! when we see Thy face
  A swoon of blessedness
      shall come upon us.

Thy passionate love towards a world,
  That lead Thee to Calvary hill,
Turns into the life of our souls still,
  Turns into a sacrifice
      through the ages thus
To get in us Thy own life
  In death, our King, be our privilege;
Through dying from love towards man,
  Thou shalt get to live in
      myriads of saints.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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