O cais yr olew pur o'r nef

(Lamp a'r gwir olew)
O cais yr olew pur o'r nef,
Nerth a goleuni'i Ysbryd ef;
  A chais wirionedd dan dy fron;
  O cais y lamp ragorol hon.

Gwirionedd anian dduwiol lân,
Gwirionedd cariad diwahân,
  Gwirionedd ffyrdd,
      gwirionedd sail,
  Gwirionedd delw Adda'r ail.

Gwirionedd angor ar y dòn,
Gwirionedd gobaith dan dy fron,
  Gwirionedd gafael hwnt i'r llen,
  A bywyd yn yr hwn sydd ben.

Gwirionedd golwg ar y gwaed,
A hedd trwy'r aberth mawr a gaed;
  Gwirionedd Ysbryd Duw
      a'i sêl,
  Gwirionedd proffes
      lân ddigel.

Gwirionedd nas gw'radwyddir byth,
Deil ei oleuni yn ddilyth,
  Er nos a gwaedd
      ni ddiffydd chwaith,
  Ond pery i drawyddoldeb maith.
Caniadau Y Cysegr 1855

[Mesur: MH 8888]

(A Lamp and the True Oil)
O seek the pure oil from heaven,
The strength and light of his Spirit,
  And seek truth under thy breast;
  O seek this excellent lamp.

The truth of a godly, clean nature,
The truth of inseparable love,
  The truth of ways,
      the truth of a foundation,
  The truth of the second Adam.

The truth of an anchor on the wave,
The truth of hope under thy breast,
  The truth which holds beyond the curtain,
  And life in him who is head.

The truth of a view over the blood,
And peace got through the great sacrifice;
  The truth of the Spirit of God
      and his seal,
  The truth of a clean,
      unconcealed profession.

Truth that is never to be scorned,
Shall hold its light sincerely,
  Despite night and shout
      it is not to be extinguished either,
  But shall endure for a vast eternity.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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