O canwn fawl i'r Arglwydd Dduw, Mor felus yw ei foliant ef; Cyd dynnwn ganiad yn gytun, A'n llef yn un â llu y nef. Ein gwynfyd yw, tra fo'm ni byw, Moliannu Duw yn hyn o fyd; A rhagorfraint y siriol saint, Yw gwel'd eu braint o bryd i bryd. Gwynfyd y sawl sy' â hyn o hawl, Canant ei fawl a'i foliant clyd; Canwn i'r Oen ryw dirion dôn, Gwerth ei waed gwirion y'm ni gyd. Brenhin y saint, ein Brawd, a'n braint, A roddodd faint a feddai'n rhad; I'r briod-ferch trwy siriol serch Gan fynych annerch gwerth ei wa'd.Henry John / Harri Sion 1664-1754 Hymnau Dymunol a Phrofiadol 1773 [Mesur: MH 8888] |
O let us sing praise to the Lord God, How sweet is his praise; Let us prepare together a song in agreement, With our voice as one with the host of heaven. We have this delight, while ever we live, To praise God in this world; And the prerogative of the cheerful saints, Is to see their privilege from time to time. Blessed are those who have this right, They sing his praise and his ready acclaim; Let us sing to the Lamb some tender tune, The work of his innocent blood are we all. The King of the saints, our Brother, and our privilege, Who gave so much that would possess us freely; To the bride through cheerful affection By the manifold appealing of the worth of his blood.tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion |