O cenwch fawl i Dduw

1,2,3,4,5;  1,2,4.
(Salm 148)
O! cenwch fawl i Dduw,
  Tra gweddus yw y gwaith,
Am ei drugaredd ryfedd rad,
  Pob cenedl, llwyth ac iaith.

Cydfolwch Dduw y nef,
  Darpara Ef bob pryd;
O ffrwythau'r ddaear rhydd eu rhaid
  I holl drigolion byd.

Pan ddwg ei blant yn nghyd,
  Yn hyfryd fe'u iachâ;
Gan rwymo'r ysig galon friw,
  Mab Duw sydd Feddyg da.

O! Seion, canmol di
  Y Duw sy'n rhoddi hedd,
A phob cysuron it ynghyd, 
  Nes mynd trwy'r
      byd i'r bedd.

I'r Drindod heb wahân
  Rhown fawl ar gân i gyd;
Boed Haleliwia ym mhob man
  Drwy bedwar
      ban y byd.
cenedl, llwyth :: ardal, gwlad
Boed Haleliwia ym :: Sain haleluia fo'n

1,2,4: Thomas Williams (Eos Gwynfa) c.1769-1848
      Telyn Dafydd 1820
  3 : Llyfr Tonau ac Emynau 1868
  5 : Seren Gomer 1824

Tonau [MB 6686]:
  Doncaster (Samuel Wesley 1766-1837)
Franconia (trefn. o J B König)
Germany (o waith G F Handel 1685-1759)
Myfanwy (J D Jones 1827-1870)
Sarah (S Arnold / W Arnold)
Swabia (Johann Martin Spiess ?-1772)
Titherton (Lewis Renatus West 1753-1826)

(Psalm 148)
O render praise to God,
  Very fitting is the work,
For his wonderful free mercy,
  Every nation, tribe and language.

Praise together the God of heaven,
  He provides every meal;
From fruits of the earth he meets the needs
  Of all the world's inhabitants.

When he leads his children together,
  Delightfully he heals them;
By binding up the bruised, wounded heart,
  The Son of God is a good Physician.

O Zion, praise thou
  The God who gives peace,
And every comfort to thee altogether,
  Until going through the
      world to the grave.

To the undivided Trinity
  Let us all render praise in song;
Let there be Hallelujah in every place
  Throughout the four
      quarters of the world.
nation, tribe :: region, land
Let there be hallelujah in :: The sound of hallelujah be in

tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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