O cenwch fawl i Brynwr byd

(Dysgyniad yr Ysbryd)
O! Cenwch fawl i Brynwr byd,
  Rhowch iddo i gyd anrhydedd;
Mae'i orsedd yn y nefoedd lân,
  Lle derbyn gân a mawredd.
Cyn gadael daear am y nef,
  Addawodd Ef yr Ysbryd -
Nerth o'r uchelder
    i'w holl saint,
  'Rhyn yw eu braint a'u bywyd.

Hwy'n credu ei air,
    a theimlo ei wres -
  A'u mynwes fel y marwor,
A glywent swn ei anadl Ef,
  A phyrth y nef yn agor!
Yr anadl gynes, nerthol, fyw, -
  Ac anadl Duw oedd hono,
A droai'n wynt cynhyrfus, hyf,
  Fel corwynt cryf yn rhuthro.

Dan ddwys bigiadau'r
    nerthol air,
  A dylanwadau'r Ysbryd,
Trŷ'r miloedd at yr Oen dinam
  I lefain am eu bywyd.
I'r saint, mae'r Ysbryd Glân,
    trwy ffydd,
  Yn Athraw a Dyddanydd:
A phan anadla ar y byd,
  Fe'i crëa i gyd o'r newydd.
James Spinther James (Spinther) 1837-1914

Tôn [MSD 8787D]: Hereford (D Emlyn Evans 1843-1913)

(The Descent of the Spirit)
O sing ye praise to the world's Redeemer,
  Give ye all to him honour;
His throne is in the holy heaven,
  Where he receives song and magnification.
Before leaving earth for heaven,
  He promised the Spirit -
Strength from the height
    for all his saints,
  This is their privilege and their life.

They believing his word,
    and feeling his warmth -
  And their breast like the marble,
Hear the sound of his breathing,
  And the portals of heaven open!
The warm, strong, living breath, -
  And the breath of God was that,
That turned into an exciting, bold wind,
  Like a strong rushing whirlwind.

Under the intense prickings
   of the powerful word,
  And the influences of the Spirit,
Thousands turn to the innocent Lamb
  To cry out for their life.
To the saints, the Holy Spirit is,
    through faith,
  A Teacher and Comforter:
And when he breathes on the world,
  He creates it all anew.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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