O cenwch waredigion Duw

(Y Brif ffordd i Seion - Esaia xxxv.8-10)
O cenwch, waredigion Duw,
  I'ch Arglwydd gwiw y cenwch;
Chwi feibion Seion, seiniwch gān,
  A'ch Brenin glān clodforwch.

Gwelwch y ffordd i deulu'r ffydd,
  Ffordd sanctaidd sydd i Seion,
Ni chyfeiliornant ynddi mwy
  Pe byddant hwy ynfydion.

A dychwel gwaredigion Duw
  I fythol fyw i Seion;
Bydd cān a mawl
    y wiwnef wen
  Byth ar eu pen yn goron.

Llawenydd a hyfrydwch mwy,
  Cyrhaeddant hwy yn ebrwydd;
Eu cystudd mawr a'u galar maith
  Ant ymaith yn dragywydd.
John Richard Jones 1765-1822

Tonau [MS 8787]:
    Dyfrdwy (J Jeffreys 1736-1802)
    Eisenach (J H Schein 1586-1630)
    Saboth (J Williams 1740-1821)

(The Main road to Zion - Isaiah 35:8-10)
O sing, ye delivered of God,
  To your worthy Lord sing ye!
Ye sons of Zion, sound a song,
  And your holy King extol!

See the road for the family of faith,
  A sacred road which is for Zion,
They shall not stray in it any more
  If they be fools.

And the delivers of God shall return
  And forever live in Zion;
There will be song and praise
    of the bright, worthy heaven
  Forever on their head as a crown.

Joy and delight evermore,
  Shall reach them quickly;
Their great affliction and their vast mourning
  Shall go away eternally.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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