O cesglwch ataf fi fy saint

1+2;  1,3,4.
(Salm L)
O! cesglwch ataf fi fy saint,
  Y rhai, drwy ryddfraint brydferth,
A wnaethant ammod â myfi,
  A'i rhwymo hi drwy aberth.

A phan ddangoso mintai nef,
  Ei farnu ef yn union;
Sef Duw fydd yn barnu ei hun,
  Yr unig Gun sydd gyfion.

Mewn trallod, galw arnaf fi,
  A dof i ti'n Waredydd;
Yna y ceni i mi glod,
  Am droi y rhod mor ddedwydd.

Yr hwn abertho i mi fawl,
  Yw'r sawl a'm gogonedd;
I'r neb a drefno'i ffordd yn wiw,
  Gwir iechyd Duw a ddysga'.
Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MSD 8787D]:
Babilon's Bondage (<1825)
  Llanllwnc (<1825)

[hfyd mesur: MS 8787]

  O fryn Sïon y daeth Duw Naf
  O Seion fryn y daeth Duw Naf

(Psalm 50:5,6,15,23)
O gather ye to me my saints,
  Those, through a beautiful privilege,
Who make an agreement with me,
  And bind it through sacrifice.

And when the cohort of heaven shows,
  His judging directly;
That is God shall himself judge,
  The only Dear one who is righteous.

In trouble, call thou upon me,
  And I will come to thee as a Deliverer;
Then thou shalt sing to me acclaim,
  For turning the sky so happily.

He who sacrifices to me praise,
  Is such as glorify me;
Anyone who arranges his way worthily,
  The true health of God shall learn.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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