O clyw fy ngweddi Arglwydd nef

(SALM 102 - Gweddi riddfanus,
a gobaith cysurus Sïon)
O clyw fy ngweddi, Arglwydd nef,

  A doed fy llef hyd atat;

Na chudd d'wyneb mewn ing tra fwyf,

  Clyw, clyw pan alwyf arnat.

Fy nyddiau troisant at y rhod,

  Ac fel y cysgod ciliant;

Minnau a wywais, achos hyn,

 Fel y glaswelltyn methiant.

Ond tydi, Dduw, fy Arglwydd da,
  A barhai yn dragwyddol:
O oes i oes, dy enw a aeth
  Mewn coffadwriaeth grasol.

[O cyfod bellach, trugarha,
   O Dduw bydd dda wrth Sïon;
 Mae'n amser wrthi drugarhau,
   Fel dyma'r nodau'n union.

 Can's hoff iawn gan dy weision di
   Ei meini a'i magwyrau;
 Maent yn tosturio wrth ei llwch,
   Ei thristwch a'i thrallodau.]

[Pan adeilader Sïon wych,
   A hon yn ddrych i'r gwledydd;
 Pan welir gwaith yr Arglwydd nef,
   Y molir E'n dragywydd.
 Hyn fydd pan gasglo pawb ynghyd,
   Yn unfryd i'w foliannu;
 A'r holl deyrnasoedd ddod y'ngwydd
   Yr Arglwydd i'w wasanaetha.]
Casgliad Morris Davies 1835

Tôn [MS 8787]: Pwllheli (<1835)

  O cyfod bellach trugarha
  Pan adeilader Sïon wych

(Psalm 102 - Groaning prayer,
and the comforting hope of Zion)
O hear my prayer, Lord of heaven,

  And let my cry come unto thee;

Hide not thy face in anguish
    while ever I live,
  Hear, hear when I call upon thee.

My days turn to the sky,

  And like the shadow they retreat;

I too have withered, because of this,

  Like the failing straw.

But thou, God, my good Lord,
  Shalt continue eternally:
From age to age, thy name has gone
  In gracious remembrance.

[O arise now, have mercy,
   O God be go to Zion;
 It is time for thee to have mercy,
   As these are the notes exactly.

 Since very dear to thy servants
   Its stones and its walls;
 They are showing mercy to its dust,
   Its sadness and its troubles.]

[When brilliant Zion is rebuilt,
   And this as a mirror to the lands;
 When the work of the Lord of heaven is seen,
   He is to be praised in eternity.

 This will be when all are gathered together,
    In one mind to praise him;
 And all the kingdoms come before
    The Lord to serve him.]
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion
 1 When I pour out my soul in pray'r, 
     do thou, O Lord, attend;
   To thy eternal throne of grace
     let my sad cry ascend.

 2 O hide not thou thy glorious face
     in times of deep distress;
   Incline thine ear, and, when I call,
     my sorrows soon redress.

 3 Each cloudy portion of my life
     like scattered smoke expires;
   My shriveled bones are like a hearth
     parched with continual fires.

 4 My heart, like grass that feels the blast
     of some infectious wind,
   Does languish so with grief, that scarce
     my needful food I mind.

11 My days, just hast'ning, to their end,
     are like an evening shade;
   My beauty does, like withered grass,
     with waning luster fade.

12 But thy eternal state, O Lord,
     no length of time shall waste;
   The mem'ry of thy wondrous works
     from age to age shall last.

13 Thou shalt arise, and Sion view
     with an unclouded face;
   For now her time is come, thy own
     appointed day of grace.

14 Her scattered ruins by thy saints
     with pity are surveyed;
   They grieve to see her lofty spires
     in dust and rubbish laid.

15 The Name and glory of the Lord
     all heathen kings shall fear;
16 When he shall Sion build again,
     and in full state appear.

22 When all the tribes assembling there
     their solemn vows address,
   And neighb'ring lands, with glad consent,
     the Lord their God confess.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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