O cred O cred cai gymmorth

(Maddeuant a nerth trwy gredu - Rhan II)
O cred, O cred, cai gymmorth
  I dynnu'r llygaid de';
O cred, O cred, cai allu
  I dorri'r fraich o'i lle;
Trwy gredu ti orchfygi
  Elynion rif y gwlith,
Cred yn yr Oen yn unig,
  Fe'th wna di'n ddedwydd byth.

O tyred Ion trag'wyddol,
  Mae ynot ti dy hun,
Fwy moroedd o drugaredd
  Nag a feddyliodd dyn:
Os deni at anghenus
  A'i'godi ef i'r lan,
Ei galon gaiff, a'i dafod,
  Dy ganmol yn y man.

A raid i minnau drenga,
  O eisiau dyfroedd clir?
'Rwy bron llewygu'n tramwy,
  Y dyrys anial dir:
Dwg fi i'r dyfroedd tawel,
  Porfëydd gleision mawr,
Lle mae y rhai lluddedig,
  Yn rhoddi en pennau i lawr.

           - - - - -

O cred, O cred, cai gymmorth
  I dynu'th lygad de;
O cred, O cred, cai allu
  I dorri'th fraich o'i lle:
Cred yn yr Oen fu farw
  Fry ar Galfaria fryn,
Y fynyd gynta' y credost
  Cai lawer mwy na hyn.

Nac edrych ar amodau
  Fyth fyth o'th fewn dy hun;
Trwy gredu daw amodau,
  Mae gras wrth
      gredu nghlyn;
Y fynyd gynta y credost
  Yw'r fynyd byddi byw,
Wrth gredu yn Nghrist yn unig
  Cai wel'd gogoniant Duw.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [7676D]:
Penmachno (<1835)
Uxbridge (J H Roberts 1848-1924)

gwelir: Rhan I - O Yspryd pur nefolaidd

(Forgiveness and strength through believing - Part 2)
O believe, believe, thou shalt get help
  To pluck out the right eyes;
O believe, believe, thou shal get power
  To cut the arm from its place;
Through believing thou shalt overcome
  Enemies numerous as the dew,
Believe in the Lamb alone,
  He will make thee happy forever.

O come, eternal Lord,
  In thee thyself are
Greater seas of mercy
  Than man thought:
If thou draw near to a needy one
  And lift him up,
His heart shall get, and his tongue,
  To praise thee soon.

Must I too die,
  From want of clear water?
I am almost fainting, traversing
  The troublesome desert land:
Lead me to the quiet waters,
  Great, great pastures,
Where the exhausted ones are
  Laying their heads down.

                - - - - -

O believe, O believe, thou shalt get help
  To pluck out thy right eye;
O believe, O believe, thou shalt get power
  To cut thy arm from its place:
Believe in the Lamb who died
  Up on Calvary hill,
The first minute thou believest
  Thou shalt get much more than this.

Do not look at the conditions
  Never ever within thyself;
Through believing come conditions,
  There is grace in
      connection with believing;
The first minute thou believest
  Is the minute thou shalt live,
On believing in Christ alone
  Thou shalt get to see the glory of God.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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