O cyfod bellach trugarhâ

(Salm CII - Rhan II)
O! cyfod bellach, trugarhâ,
  O Dduw! bydd dda wrth Seion;
Mae'n amser wrthi drugarhau,
  Fel dyma'r nodau'n union.

Can's hoff iawn gan dy weision di,
  Ei meini a'i magwyrau;
Maent yn tosturio wrth ei llwch,
  Ei thristwch a'i thrallodau.

Pan adeilader Seion wych,
  A hon yn ddrych i'r gwledydd;
Pan weler gwaith
    yr Arglwydd ne',
  Y molir e'n dragywydd.

Hyn fydd pan gasglo pawb ynghyd,
  Yn unfryd i'w foliannu;
Yr holl deyrnasoedd,
    dônt yn ngŵydd
  Yr Arglwydd, i'w was'naethu.

Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Cambria (J A Lloyd 1815-74)
Capel Cynon (Hugh Jones 1749-1825)
Coed-du (<1875)
Cemmaes (J Williams [Ioan Rhagfyr] 1740-1821)
Cymundeb (Caradog Roberts 1878-1935)
Hen XLIV (Genevan Psalter 1556)
  Llandilo (<1876)
Llwynffynnon (D Evans [Edward Arthur] 1874-1948)
Mary (John Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
Willesden (Rhys Thomas 1867- )

  Rhan I - Fy ngweddi Arglwydd grwrando di
  Rhan III - Fe wrendy Duw ar weddi'r gwael
  Rhan IV - Yr Arglwydd sydd â'i law gwanhâu
  O clyw fy ngweddi Arglwydd nef
  Pan adeilader Sïon wych

(Psalm 102)
O, arise now, be merciful,
  O God! Be good to Zion!
It is time for thee to be merciful,
  Thus are the explicit purposes.

Since greatly favoured by thy servants,
  Are her stones and her walls;
They are showing mercy to her dust,
  Her sadness and her afflictions.

When brilliant Zion is to be rebuilt,
  And this as an object to the nations;
When the work of the Lord of heaven
    is to be seen,
  He is to be praised in eternity.

This shall be when all gather together,
  In one mind to praise him,
All the kingdoms,
    they will come into the presence
  Of the Lord, to serve him.

tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
13 Thou shalt arise, and Sion view
     with an unclouded face;
   For now her time is come, thy own
     appointed day of grace.

14 Her scattered ruins by thy saints
     with pity are surveyed;
   They grieve to see her lofty spires
     in dust and rubbish laid.

15 The Name and glory of the Lord
     all heathen kings shall fear;
16 When he shall Sion
       build again,
     and in full state appear.

21 That they in Zion, where he dwells,
     might celebrate his fame,
   And through the holy city sing
     loud praises to his Name.

22 When all the tribes assembling there 
     their solemn vows address,
   And neighb'ring lands, with glad consent, 
     the Lord their God confess.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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