O cyfod Brenin/Frenin gras neshâ

1,(2),3,4,5;  1,3,4.
(Agoriad addoldy)
O cyfod Brenin gras, nesâ,
  Tyr'd i'th orphwysfa addas;
Gwêl, disgwyl mae dy eglwys hon,
  Am gael dy lon gymdeithas.

Tyr'd yma a'th liaws hardd i gyd
  Dy air a'th Yspryd bywiol;
'R hyn oedd yr arch yn cynnwys gynt
  Nid oeddynt mor ddymunol.

Duw derbyn addunedau dwys
  A mawl dy eglwys yma;
Bendithia'th dŷ â bwyd di-ball,
  I'r tlawd gael diwall fara.

Mab Dafydd, Crist, eneiniog Iôn,
  Yn hon a f'o'n rheoli;
Cyfiawnder, cariad, gwir, a nerth,
  I'w lŷs fo'n prydferth weini.

Hir ddalied yma fainc trwy ras,
  Boed ar ei deyrnas gynnydd;
A pharch i'w goron ef a roir,
  A'i gâs a döir â ch'wilydd.
Brenin :: Frenin
Duw derbyn :: O derbyn
fainc trwy ras :: fainc ei ras

cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77
Diferion y Cyssegr 1804

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Henllan (<1835)
  Holt (<1845)
Llangerniw (<1845)

(The opening of a place of worship)
O arise, King of grace, draw near,
  Come to thy suitable resting-place;
See, expecting is this thy church,
  To get thy cheerful fellowship.

Bring here all thy beautiful multitude,
  Thy word and thy lively Spirit;
What thy ark once contained
  Was not so desirable.

God, accept the intense vows
  And praise of thy church here;
Bless thy house with unfailing food,
  That the poor get satisfying bread.

Son of David, Christ, anointed Lord,
  In this may we be ruled;
Righteousness, love, truth, and strength,
  To thy court be our beautiful service.

May a throne through grace long endure,
  May there be increase to his kingdom;
And reverence to his crown be given,
  And his enemies be put to shame.
God, accept :: O accept
a throne through grace :: the throne of his grace

tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

Arise, O gracious King, arise
  And enter now into Thy rest;
O let this house be Thine abode,
  Forever with Thy presence blest.

Thy gracious covenant, Lord, fulfill,
  Turn not away from us Thy face;
Establish Thou Messiah's throne
  And let Him reign within this place.

Thy Zion Thou hast chosen, Lord,
  And Thou hast said, I love her well,
This is My constant resting place,
  And here will I delight to dwell.

I will abundantly provide
  For Zion's good, the Lord hath said;
I will supply her daily need
  And satisfy her poor with bread.

Salvation shall adorn her priests,
  Her saints shall shout with joy divine,
Messiah's power shall be revealed,
  His glory in His Church shall shine.
gracious King :: Lord, our God

Isaac Watts 1674-1748

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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