O ddarlun byw sylweddol

O! ddarlun byw, sylweddol,
  Yw bedydd perchen ffydd,
O farw'r Iesu grasol
  A'i godi'r trydydd dydd!
Mae swn gruddfanau'r Ceidwad
  I'w clywed yn y dòn,
A goleu'r adgyfodiad
  Dywyna ger ein bron.

Cawn weled y credadyn
  Yn selio'r undeb byw,
Gan ado'r byd, i ddilyn
  Yn ffyddlon iawn ei Dduw:
Fe'i cleddir gyda'r Iesu
  O dan y dòn yn awr;
A chyfyd i deyrnasu
  Drwy rin ei Brynwr mawr.
Hugh Cernyw Williams (Cernyw) 1843-1937

Tonau [7676D]:
    Angel's Story (A H Mann 1850-1929)
    Endsleigh (S Salvatori 1817-74)
    Ewing (Alexander Ewing 1830-95)

O what a substantial, living picture,
  Is the baptism of a possessor of faith,
Of the death of gracious Jesus
  And his rising on the third day!
The sound of the groans of our Saviour are
  Heard in the wave,
And the light of the resurrection
  Shines before us.

We may see the creature
  Sealing the living union,
By renouncing the world, to follow
  Very faithfully his God:
He is buried with Jesus
  Under the wave now;
And raised to to reign
  Through the merit of his great Redeemer.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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