Dedwydd fydd tragwyddol orphwys
O ddedwydd awr tragwyddol orffwys
O ddedwydd ddydd tragwyddol orffwys

(Tragwyddol Orffwysfa'r Saint)
Dedwydd fydd tragwyddol orphwys
  O bob llafur yn y man,
'Nghanol môr o ryfeddodau,
  Heb un gwaelod byth na glàn;
Caffael mwy fynediad helaeth
  I drigfannau Tri yn Un;
Dwfr i nofio heb fyn'd trwyddo,
  Dyn yn Dduw, a Duw yn ddyn.

Byw heb wres, na haul, yn taraw,
  Byw heb ofni marw mwy;
Pob rhyw alar wedi darfod,
  Dim ond canu am farwol glwy;
Nofio 'n afon bur y bywyd,
  Bythol heddwch sanctaidd Dri,
Tan dywyniadau digymylau
  Gwerthfawr angau Calfari.

              - - - - -

O! ddedwydd awr tragwyddol orffwys
  Oddi wrth fy llafur yn fy rhan,
Ynghanol môr o ryfeddodau
  Heb weled terfyn byth, na glan;
Mynediad helaeth byth i bara
  I fewn trigfannau Tri yn Un;
Dwr i'w nofio heb fynd trwyddo,
  Dyn yn Dduw, a Duw yn ddyn.

[Melys gofio y cyfamod,
   Draw a wnaed
       gan DRI yn UN;
 Trag'wyddol syllu ar y Person,
   A gym'rodd arno natur dyn:
 Wrth gyflawni yr ammodau,
   Trist iawn hyd angeu ei enaid oedd;
 Dyma gân y saith ugeinmil
   Tu draw i'r llen
       â llawen floedd.]

Fy enaid trist, wrth gofio'r frwydyr,
  Yn llamu o lawenydd sydd;
Gweld y ddeddf yn anrhydeddus
  A'i throseddwyr mawr yn rhydd;
Rhoi Awdwr bywyd i farwolaeth
  A chladdu'r Atgyfodiad mawr;
Dwyn i mewn dragwyddol heddwch
  Rhwng nef y nef
      a daear lawr.

Byw heb wres na haul yn taro,
  Byw heb allu
      marw mwy,
Pob rhyw alar wedi darfod,
  Dim ond canu am farwol glwy';
Nofio'm afon bur y bywyd,
  Diderfyn heddwch sanctaidd Dri,
Dan dywyniadau digymylau
  Gwerthfawr angau Calfarî.
cyfammod :: cyfamod
orffwys :: orphwys

Ann Griffiths 1776-1805

Tonau [8787D]:
Dismissal (W L Viner 1790-1867)
Dolwar (John Roberts 1822-77)
Dre-hir (David Evans [Edward Arthur]1874-1948)

Eryl (J Morgan Lloyd 1880-?)
Esther (John Roberts 1822-77)
Moriah (Martin Madan 1725-90)
Powys (<1875)
Towyn (David de Lloyd 1883-1948)

  Bererin llesg gan rym y stormydd
  (Bydd) melys gofio y cyfammod
  O f'enaid gwêl y fan gorweddodd
  O ddyfnderoedd iachawdwriaeth
  O'm blaen mi wela' ddrws agored
  Os rhaid wynebu'r afon donnog
  Pechadur aflan yw fy enw

(The Eternal Resting-Place of the Saints)
Happy shall be eternal rest
  From all labour soon,
In the midst of a sea of wonders,
  With never any bottom or shore;
To get plenteous access evermore
  To the dwellings of Three in One;
Water to swim without going through it,
  Man in God, and God in man.

Living without heat, or sun, beating,
  Living without fearing death any more;
Every kind of lamenting having vanished,
  Nothing but singing about a mortal wound;
Swimming in the pure river of life,
  The everlasting peace of sacred Three,
Under the the cloudless radiances
  Of the precious death of Calvary.

                 - - - - -

O happy hour of eternal rest
  From my labour in my part,
Among a sea of wonders
  Without seeing an end ever, nor bank;
An ever-plenteous access to abide
  Within the dwellings of the Three in One;
Water to swim in that is untraversed,
  Man in God, and God in man.

[It is sweet to remember the covenant,
   Yonder which was made
       by the THREE in ONE;
 Eternal gazing on the Person,
   Who took on himself the nature of man:
 While fulfilling the terms,
   Very sad as far as death his soul was;
 Here is the song of the seven-score thousand
   The other side of the curtain
       with a joyful shout.]

My sad soul, while remembering the battle,
  Is leaping from joy;
To see the law honoured
  And its great transgressors free;
To put the Author of life to death
  And bury the great Resurrection;
To bring in eternal peace
  Between the heaven of heaven
    and the earth below.

To live with neither heat nor sun beating,
  To live without being
      able to die any more,
Every kind of grief having faded,
  Nothing but love for a fatal wound;
To swim in the pure river of life,
  Endless peace of the holy Three,
Under the cloudless radiance
  Of the precious death of Calvary.

tr. 2008,21 Richard B Gillion


[Passing sweet to the reflections
   Of the souls
       redeemed above
 Are the many recollections
   Of God's covenant of Love,
 Praise for perfected salvation
   Through Immanuel alone
 Animates their adoration
   And their song
       before the throne.]

See the Law by sinners broken
  To the utmost satisfied,
When, in token, Christ had spoken,
  "It is finished!" and died!
To restore man's lost perfection,
  and to disannul his doom,
He Who is The Resurrection
      to the tomb.


1900 George Richard Gould Pughe 1831-

Also: Blessed hour of rest eternal
tr. H A Hodges 1905-76

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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