O ddinas Duw, preswylfa'r Iôn, Mawr ydyw'r son am danad! A gogoneddus air it sydd, Uwch law trigfeydd yr hollwlad. Dywedir hyn am Seion bêr, Fe anwyd llawer ynddi, Nid ambell un; can's swcwr da Yw Duw Goruchaf iddi. Fe rydd yr Arglwydd yn ei rif Y neb fo cyf'rif hono; Efe a esyd hyn ar led, Sef, Hwn a aned yno.Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623
Tonau [MS 8787]: |
O city of God, residence of the Master, Great is the mention about thee! And a glorious word for thee there is, Above the dwellings of the whole land. This is said about sweet Zion, Many were born in her, Not occasional ones; since good succour Is the Most High God to her. The Lord will put in his number Any who be counted thus; He will set this widely, That is, This one was born there.tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion |
Glorious things are spoken of thee, O city of God. And of Zion it shall be said, This and that man was born in her: and the highest himsef shall establish her. The Lord shall count, when he writeth up the people, that this man was born there.AV (KJV)