O ddirgelwch mawr duwioldeb

(Darostyngiad Crist)
O ddirgelwch mawr duwioldeb, 
  Duw'n natur dyn!
Tad a Brenìn trag'wyddoldeb 
  Yn natur dyn.
O holl ryfeddodau'r nefoedd,
Dyma'r mwyaf ei dyfnderoedd,
Testyn mawl diderfyn oesoedd,
  Duw'n natur dyn.

Priod Fab yr Hanfod ddwyfol,
  O'i gariad pur,
Ymostyngodd yn wirfoddol
  O'i gariad pur: 
Er gwaredu plant marwolaeth
O drueni colledigaeth,
Gwisga'i Berson â dynoliaeth
  O'i gariad pur.

Cig a gwaed gymmerodd arno,
  O'i gariad mawr, 
Fel y gallai gydymdeimlo
  A phlant y llawr;
Baich ein hanwireddau ddygodd
Cosp ein heddwch a ddyoddefodd,
Ac a'i werthfawr waed fe'n prynodd,
  O gariad mawr!

Ar y ddaear bu'n ymdeithio,
  Ar agwedd gwas,
Heb un lle i orphwys ganddo,
  Ar agwedd gwas:
Daeth er mwyn ein cyfoethogi
  Uchelder gwlad goleuni,
Yma i ddyfnder
    gwarth a thlodi,
  O ryfedd ras!
dyma'r mwyaf :: dyma'r fwyaf

William Rees (Gwilym Hiraethog) 1802-83

Tonau [8484.8884]:
Ar Hyd Y Nos (alaw Gymreig)
Baron Hill (<1875)
Cefn-Brith (D W Lewis 1845-1920)
Temple (E J Hopkins 1818-1901)
Wynnstay (J Ambrose LLoyd 1815-74)

(The Condescension of Christ)
O great mystery of divinity,
  God in human nature!
The eternal Father and King
  In human nature.
Of all the wonders of the heavens,
Here is the one of greatest depths,
A matter of endless praise of ages,
  God in human nature.

The fitting Son of the divine Being,
  From his pure love,
Submitted voluntarily
  From his pure love:
In order to deliver children of mortality
From the wretchedness of perdition,
He clothed his Person with humanity
  From his pure love.

Flesh and blood he took upon him,
  From his great love,
So that he could sympathise
  With the children of earth;
The burden of our untruths which he took
The penalty of our peace which he suffered,
And with his precious blood he redeemed us,
  O great love!

On the earth he did journey,
  With the attitude of a servant,
Hanving no place to rest,
  With the attitude of a servant,
In order to make us rich, came
  The Highness of the land of light,
Here to the depths of
    disgrace and impoverishment,
  O amazing grace!

tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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