O Dduw bendithia'n gwlad

O Dduw, bendithia'n gwlad,
Amdiffyn hi rhag brad
  Ar fôr a thir:
Doed dy gyfiawnder di
Yn darian iddi hi;
Rhag llid gelynion lu
  Bydd iddi'n fur.

I'n teyrn bydd di, O Dduw,
Yn nodded ac yn Llyw
  Ei gred a'i foes;
Yn gadarn sail ei sedd
Boed iawnder pur a hedd,
Heb ofni clwyf un cledd,
  Ar hud ei oes.

Yn ffyddlon byth i'r gwir,
Mewn iaith a gwaith yn bur,
  Gwna ni, O Dduw!
Gwas ddeiliaid
    pob rhyw wlad
Yn blant i ti, ein Tad!
I'n byd dwg hedd di-frad -
  A'n gweddi clyw.
David Adams (Hawen) 1845-1923

Tôn [664.6664]: Olivet (Lowel Mason 1792-1872)

O God, bless our country,
Defend her from betrayal
  On sea and land:
May thy justice become
A shield to her;
Against the anger of an enemy host
  Be to her a rampart.

To our nation be thou, O God,
As refuge and Governor
  Of her faith and life;
As a firm foundation of her seat
Be pure righteousness and peace,
Without fear of the wound of any sword,
  All her life long.

Faithful forever to the truth,
In language and work pure,
  Make us, O God!
The servant of the inhabitants
    of every kind of land
Children to you, our Father!
To our world bring loyal peace -
  And hear our prayer.
tr. 2013 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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